ch. 4 and 5: radiation quantities/radiation monitoring Flashcards
personnel monitoring is required when workers are likely to receive ________ of the __________________ in any single year
10% or more; annual occupational EfD limit
When no protective apron is being worn, where is the dosimeter to be worn?
Attach to clothing on front of body, at collar level
When protective apron is being worn, where is the dosimeter to be worn?
Outside of the apron on front of body, at collar level
When using two dosimeters, where should the dosimeters be worn?
Primary dosimeter is worn outside of apron at collar level
Second dosimeter UNDER apron at waist level
when wearing a fetal monitor, where should the dosimeters be worn?
Primary dosimeter is worn outside of apron at collar level
Second dosimeter assigned to record fetal exposure –> UNDER apron at waist level
OSL dosimeter stands for
optically stimulated luminescence
what type of detector do OSLs use? How are they read?
aluminum oxide detector; read using laser light reader
what type of detector do DISs use? How are they read?
ionization gas filled chamber; read by USB or wireless connection
DIS dosimeter stands for
direct ion storage
OSLs have 3 different filters. What are they?
Second International Congress of Radiology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1928
1. Acceptance of the as a unit of exposure
2. ICRU charged to _
3. Establishment of the International X-ray and Radium Protection Committee (predecessor of the ICRP)
- roentgen (R)
- define the R
what is significant about early 1950s?
Tolerance dose replaced by MPD (maximum permission dose)
early tissue reaction examples
nausea, fatigue, diffuse redness of the skin, loss of hair, fever, shedding of the outer layer of skin
late tissue reaction examples
cataract formation, fibrosis, organ atrophy, loss of parenchymal cells, reduced fertility, sterility
stochastic effects examples
cancer, genetic (hereditary) effects
____________ is the best measure of the overall risk of the exposure to humans from ionizing radiation
effective dose (EfD)
_________ the product of the average D in a tissue or organ in the human body and its associated radiation weighting factor
equivalent dose (EqD)
radiation weighting factor (Wr) is associated with _________; tissue weighting factor (Wt) is associated with __________
equivalent dose, effective dose
EqD = ________
D x Wʀ
where D is absorbed dose, Wʀ is radiation weighting factor
EfD = __________
D x Wʀ x Wᴛ
where D is absorbed dose, Wʀ is radiation weighting factor, Wᴛ is tissue weighting factor
_________ is the amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object
absorbed dose
_________ is replacing “exposure’ in modern terminology
air kerma
personal dosimetry measures what type of dose?
equivalent dose
What is Collective Effective Dose (ColEfD) measured in?