Ch. 3 - Theoretical Understanding of Global North and Global South Flashcards
looks back on the patterns of colonial relations which existed between the North and South and emphasizes how colonized territories eventually became poor caused by those relations.
Dependency Theory
Theorists who advocate this idea believe that the economies of ex-colonial states remain oriented towards serving external rather than internal demand. They are inclined in pleasing the foreign nation even up to the extent of sacrificing their own country’s welfare.
Dependency Theory
is closely related with Latin American Structuralism. It is the only school of development economics emerging from the Global South to be affiliated with a national research institute and to receive support from national banks and finance ministries.
Dependency Theory
The Structuralists defined _____ as the inability of a nation’s economy to complete the cycle of capital accumulation without reliance on an outside economy. Specifically, peripheral
nations were perceived as primary resource exporters reliant on core economies for
manufactured goods. This led the Structuralists to advocate for import- substitution industrialization policies which aimed to replace manufactured imports with domestically made
outlined historical progress in terms of a society’s capacity to produce and consume material goods, became a key foreign policy precept of the Kennedy administration. This pushes the idea that other nations should emulate and follow the United States of America, with its special ‘way of life’, in promoting the modernization of other countries as a way for them to catch up with Western powers. For the countries that could not keep up with the modernization trend remained to be poor and underdeveloped.
Walt M. Rostow’s Modernization Theory
The most criticized perspective yet most dominant and influential
Realism can be traced from
Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes.
Realist vision is ________. It advocates that the international system is uneven, highly
conflicting and marked by power struggle. It is based on how the human nature is
characterized as being selfish and greedy.
States prioritizes self-interest and that a nation is being judged by the ethics of responsibility rather than the morals of its principles.
are opposite of realists because of a more optimistic view in international system.
The offer that the principle of balance and harmony is found in all forms of social
Liberalism is reflected in ___________ belief, universal and perpetual peace is possible because states are capable of cooperation and value mutual respect
Immanuel Kant’s
Liberals assume that through _____________, division and war are less likely to happen.
trade economic interdependence
Highlights the structures of economic power rather than patterns of conflict and cooperation.
Marxism suggests
inequalities in global system.