ch 3: the first voyage Flashcards
when was the dominance of the catholic church?
dark agaes (middle ages)
the relationship of europeans and asians
driver of change in the world
were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started primarily to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups (Jerusalem)
the crusades or holy war
this is when europeans took the change to curiosity(?)
Europeans took stuff from Asia such as
- silk
- pearls
- spices
used by europeans to trade with asia
silk road
eventually this route was monopolized
Silk road
the end point of this is china
Silk road
lead the age of exploration
spain and portugal
spain made christopher columbus go to india but instead, he got to where instead?
he proved that the atlantic and indian ocean met
bartolomeu dias
he continued the route of bartolomue dias to india
vasco da gama
what intervened between the rivalry of spain and portugal?
the catholic church
(particularly: Pope Alexander VI)
he split the globe (mark/demarcation) into?
Pope Alexander VI
eastern hemisphere—portugal
westerm hemisphere—spain
Contains Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia, as well as the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans
Eastern Hemisphere
contains all of North America and South America and their islands and surrounding waters, as well as parts of Africa, Europe, Antarctica, and a part of Russia.
Western Hemisphere
Portuguese explorer/voyager
Ferdinand Magellan
he went to spice island multiple times
Ferdinand Magellan
he proposed the alternative route to asia (western route to pacific ocean) which was immidiately rejected by portugal so he proposed it to spain instead
Ferdinand Magellan
what is the spice island in modern day?
this is when the magellan expidition left san lucas spain
September 20, 1519
what did king charles provide to ferdinand magellan for his voyage?
- five ships
- Trinidad
- Concepción
- Victoria(✓)
- Santiago(x)
- San Antonio(x) - men (234) including antonio pigafetta
- supplies that will last them 2 years
this is when the first voyage arrived at Homonhon(Samar) at the entrance of the gulf of leyte. Magellan called it “the archipelago of saint lazarus”
March 16, 1521
this is when they had their first encounter with the locals/natives
March 18, 1521
this when they met the first two cheif of the country(?)
March 25, 1521
blood compact is also known as?
sanduguan or kasi kasi
who are the two cheifs magellan and his men met?
rajah siagu and rajah kolambu
this is when magellan, rajah siagu, and rajah kolambu peformed blood compacts
March 25, 1521
first mass was held when, where, and with whom?
March 31, 1521 at Limasawa (Southern Leyte) with Father Pedro Valderamma
this is when they went to cebu and performend a blood compact?
April 7, 1521
(rajah humabon insisted on magellan to pay tribute to him at firs. rajah humabon, one of the recorded chiefs in Cebu, and magellan performed a blood compact.)
it is the basis of the number of years of catholicism in our country
first mass (March 31, 1521)
This is when Rajah Zula went to see magellan and asked for a boat full of men so that he would be able to fight silapulapu. Magellan offered three boats and expressed his desire to go as well.
April 26, 1521
first baptism was held when and where? around how many were converted into Christians?
April 14, 1521 at island of Zubu (Cebu), around 800
(humabon and the others were giving Christian names—Humabon-Carlos, His wife-Juana—. humabon ordered the burning of the houses of those who did not convert to catholicism)
the two rival cheiftains of Mactan
- Rajah Zula
- Rajah Silapulapu
a principal man of the island of mactan (one of the cheifs)
Rajah zula
this is when the battle of Mactan happened
early mornings of April 27, 1521
he was magellan’s personal interpreter (a malay slave)
Henry or Enrique
is a migration theory put forward by archaeologist Peter Bellwood that suggests the Philippines was populated as a result of the migration of people of Austronesian ancestry.
The “Out of Taiwan” Theory
(all/most asian countries 500 years ago spoke the same language)
Timeline summary
- September 20, 1519 — Magellan expedition left san lucas spain
- October 21, 1520—Magellan discovered a strait in the southernmost part of the south america and called it “strait of all saints” (strait of magellan)
- After that they’ll be sailing for almost a year without seeing land (or if they do, it was “island of dissapointment” because there were no resources nor natives)
- March 6, 1521—Magellan and
his crew will reach the Ladrones Island for the purpose of resupplying. - March 16, 1521—Island of Homonhon(Samar) at the entrance of the gulf of leyte. Magellan called it “the archipelago of saint lazarus”
- March 18, 1521—First encounter (they were given food and drinks)
- March 25, 1521—Blood compact with Rajah Siagu and Rajah Kulambu
- March 31, 1521—First Mass (Father Pedro Valderamma)
- April 7, 1521—Cebu (led by Rajah Humabon)
- Apriln 14, 1521—First Baptism
- April 26, 1521—Rajah Zula went to Magellan (and would pledge allegiance to him)
- April 27, 1521—Battle of Mactan
this is when Magellan discovered a strait in the southernmost part of the south america and called it “strait of all saints” (strait of magellan)
October 21, 1520
it is by this time that they lost their second ship
October 21, 1520
Magellan and his crew will reach the Ladrones Island for the purpose of resupplying. However, they were robbed by the natives of the said island, garnering the name “Island of Thieves”.
March 6, 1521
Ladrones Island is alaso known as?
“Island of Thieves”
the first mass was held with father?
Father Pedro Valderamma
Rajah Humabon and his wife (Hara Humamay) also received an image of the Infant Jesus (Sto. Niño de Cebu—the oldest relic in the PH) from Magellan and Pigafetta
April 14, 1521
this is when Rajah Zula went to and would pledge allegiance to Magellan
April 26, 1521
spice island is also known as
Homonhon(Samar) at the entrance of the gulf of leyte. Magellan called it?
“the archipelago of saint lazarus”