Ch 3 - Reproducing the Frame Flashcards
mathematical angle of a lens’ field of view (normal, wide, or narrow)
angle of view
measurement of adjustable opening in lens that allows light to pass through lens into camera
computer chip used as imaging sensor in digital still or video camera
charge-coupled device (CCD)
blurred point that results from light rays traveling through lens but not quite converging to single point
circle of confusion
computer chip used as imaging device in digital still and video cameras with additional functionality
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
method of saving digital audio, video, and still images that involves removal of redundant content or reorganization of material and results in lower file sizes, increased transmission speeds, and sometimes reduced quality
end result of analog recording process based on direct relationship between original waves and recorded signal
continuous wave
range of acceptable focus along camera/subject axis
depth of field
digital version of SLR camera
digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)
amount of a scene included in frame
field of view
distance from optical center of glass elements of lens to image plane
focal length
incremental settings on lens that indicate size of lens aperture
result of analog to analog transfer (dub) which creates amplification of noise and reduction in quality
generational loss
part of camera where lens focuses light and image is created, most often film or computer chip
image plane
rows that make up pixels separated into two fields; odd numbered rows scanned first, then even numbered rows
interlaced scanning
adjustable opening in lens that allows light to pass through lens into camera
film that is exposed creates opposite image; positive print must be made from it
negative film
focal length approximates field of human vision
normal lens
short for picture element; smallest unit that makes up an image on a computer screen, TV monitor, or digital display, usually a colored dot
all rows of pixels scanned in order from top row of frame down to bottom row
progressive scanning
conversion of sampled signal to mathematical units
clarity or sharpness of reproduced image
film exposed in camera is processed twice, creating positive image
reversal film
measurements of an analog signal that allow creation of digital stream of binary data (ones and zeroes)
amount of light necessary to create properly exposed image (gain)
mechanical or electronic functioning of a lens that allows light to strike image plane for set period of time in order to create frame of visual media
length of time that each frame of media receives light through aperture
shutter speed
type of camera where retracting mirror allows user to view what lens is seeing
single-lens reflex (SLR)
lens with a long focal length that selects a small segment of what is in front of the lens and makes it seem closer and larger than it would to the eye
factor in amount of light lost as it travels to specific lens
type of lens with short focal length that takes in wide field of view; making objects in scene appear farther away than they would to the eye
wide angle