Ch 3 & 4 Flashcards
An ideology that people should have more involvement in government.
Government controls production; all means of production should be publicly owned.
- an ideology in which all means of production (factories, farms, etc.) and distribution (railways) were publicly owned. There would be no private or individual ownership of businesses or land
- a social and economic theory that property and production and distribution of goods and services should be owned by the public, and the labour force organized for the benefit of all. The application of the theory in the Soviet Union, China, and other countries resulted in dictatorships by members of the Communist Parties; forcible confiscation of property, including land; state-owned factories; and suppression of political dissent.
One Big Union
Founded by union leaders from western Canada at the Western Labour Conference in March 1919; it represents all Canadian workers in one organization; its goal was to help workers establish more control of industry and government through peaceful means; the main weapon would be the general strike
General Strike
a walkout by all employed workers; ex. The Winnipeg General Strike in May 1919, workers from different unions walked off their jobs demanding higher wages, a shorter working week, and the right to collective bargaining
Winnipeg General Strike
(When? How long did it last? What were they demanding? How many people were involved? What services were affected by this? What did union leaders urge strikers to do/not do during the strike?)
●In May 1919, there was a general strike in Winnipeg.
●Lasted 43 days.
●They were demanding higher wages, a shorter working week, and the right to collective bargain.
●30,000 people went out on strike; more than half of those people were not in a union.
●This strike caused chaos in Winnipeg as there were no firefighters, postal workers, telephones, telegraph services, newspapers, streetcars, or deliveries of food.
●Union leaders urged strikers to avoid violent confrontation.
Collective Bargaining
allow the union leadership to negotiate with employers on behalf of the union members; a raise in wages would mean raising every union members’ wages
Citizen’s Committee of One Thousand
Formed by business leaders, politicians, and industrialists; the committee saw the union leaders as part of a communist conspiracy to overthrow the government
concern of the various regions of the country with their own local problems; a concern for the affairs of one’s own region over those of one’s country
What is it? Leader? # of seats?
●Led by Arthur Meighen in the 1920s, led by R.B. Bennett in the 1930s.
●Had 50 elected members in the 1921 federal election
●Had 116 elected members in the 1925 federal election
●Won the 1930 federal election
What is it? Leader? # of seats?
●Led by William Lyon Mackenzie King in 1919
●Won a minority government in the 1921 federal election with 117 elected members
●Managed to stay in power after the 1925 federal election with 101 elected members and support from the Progressive Party who had 24 elected members.
○The Conservatives actually had more seats than the Liberals, with 116 elected members, but the support from the Progressive Party gave the Liberals more seats overall.
○When the Progressives stopped supporting the Liberals, the Conservatives called for a motion of censure, leading to the King-Byng crisis.
Maritime Rights Movement
●Prominent businesses and political leaders formed it to urge all politicians seeking office to promote policies that would benefit the Maritimes.
●Regional movement
●Movement died away, quickly, without accomplishing much
Progressive Party
●A political party created by farmers who wanted a new National policy based on free trades and public ownership of the railways
●Farmers were unhappy because neither of the two parties at the time (Liberal/Conservative) addressed their concerns, so they formed a party of their own.
●Created in 1919, led by Thomas Crerar
●Won 64 members in the 1921 federal election; more than the Conservatives but less than the Liberals.
●Despite its initial success, the party did not last very long. It did, however, bring changes to Canada’s social policy.
○ie. The Old Age Pension Act in 1927 ~ $240/year
William Lyon Mackenzie King
●Chosen to be leader of the Liberals in 1919.
●Elected as Prime Minister in the 1921 election
●Conciliator; seeked the middle path to offend the least amount of people.
●Reformer; an authority of social and economic issues
○Pushed for greater independence; refused to support Britain with its plan to invade Turkey in 1922.
○Challenged Britain over its influence on Canada’s internal policies (King-Byng crisis)
○Participated in the Imperial Conference that led to the Balfour Report
Arthur Meighen
●Replaced Borden as the leader of the Tories (Conservatives)
●A brilliant debater and a long-standing member of Parliament
●Believed in principles over compromise; didn’t care who might be offended by his stand on issues.
Minority Government
the governing party has less than 50% of the seats in the Parliament; needs the support of some of the opposition members to pass legislation
King-Byng Crisis
●The Liberals had 101 seats, the Conservatives had 116 seats, and the Progressives had 24 seats following the 1925 election.
●The Liberals and the Progressives teamed together, which allowed the Liberals to stay in power.
●The Liberals lost support of the Progressives, because of a liquor-smuggling scandal.
●The Conservatives called for a motion of censure (a vote of strong disapproval) against King’s government. If it had passed, King would have to resign as prime minister.
●King asked the GG, Viscount Byng, to call an election– the GG refused, at first, but eventually was forced to agree.
●King was angry; he thought that it was unfair and undemocratic for an appointed official of Britain to refuse the advice of an elected Prime Minister.
●No GG has acted against the wishes of an elected PM since then.
Balfour Report
●Lord Balfour recommended that Canada should be an autonomous community within the British Empire and be equal in status.
●Became law in 1931 when the Statute of Westminster was passed; the statute formally turned the British Empire into the British Commonwealth.
○This made Canada a country equal in status with Britain, entitled to make its own laws.
The power to govern oneself and make one’s own decisions.
Amending Formula
●The procedure for changing the Constitution.
●Because there was no amending formula in 1931, when Canada became a country equal in status to Britain, the BNA act remained in effect.
●The amending formula for the Constitution that we have now is that 7/10 provinces with 50% of the population must agree to the change.
Statue of Westminster
●Based on the Balfour Report
●Passed in 1931 by the British Government
●Turned the British Empire into the British Commonwealth
Branch Plants
Factories, offices, or other operations set up in Canada but owned or controlled by US or other foreign companies
●The act of making, selling, or distributing an illegal product.
●Bootlegging was very common when Prohibition was in effect.
○People would obtain alcohol illegally
●Canadians also smuggled alcohol into the United States during the time period in which alcohol was illegal in the US but not in Canada.
○This act was also known as rum-running and was very profitable.
A direct vote by electors on an issue of public importance. The outcome of the vote may not be binding on the government
The process by which an area changes from rural to urban
The Persons Case
● The Persons Case of 1929 brought the issue of female political participation to a head.
○ Emily Murphy, a well known suffragist, was appointed a magistrate in Alberta. Her position was challenged on the basis that only “persons” could hold this office under the BNA Act, and that women were not “persons” in the eye of the law
○ The Supreme Court of Alberta ruled that Murphy had the right to be a judge
○ On April 1928, the Supreme Court of Canada decided that women were not “persons” under the Constitution
○ Emily Murphy and her associates, nicknamed the Famous Five, appealed to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Britain who declared its support on October 18, 1929 for the women.
- a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior.
- a look that dominated women’s fashion; bobbed hair, hemlines above the knees, silk stockings, and dresses that promoted the flat chested look; outraged the older generation
A fast-paced dance, with elaborate arm movements, that became a craze in the United States during the 1920s.
Roaring Twenties
●The new style of life in the 1920s, caused by the upswing in economy.
●People bought cars and radios and went to the movies
●USA trends spread to Canada (ie. swallowing live goldfish and six-day bicycle races)
●New songs/dances
●More tourism from the USA
●Jobs increased
●New fashion
○Men ~ Straw hats, double-breasted suits, bell-bottom pants, bow ties, slicked-down hair
○Women ~ “flapper” look; bobbed hair, shorter dresses in which promoted the flat-chested look, silk stockings
Group of Seven
Painters who were in tune with the new post-war national confidence; rather than imitate realistic classical styles, members of the group sought to interpret Canada’s rugged landscape as they saw it, using broad, bold strokes and brilliant colours. They were criticized, at first, but gained acceptance by the end of the 1920s.
Emily Carr
●A well-known painter in the Pacific coast
●Painted scenes of West Coast forests and Aboriginal life
●Gained little recognition at first, but was featured in the National Museum in Ottawa
●She was moved by the work of the Group of Seven
●Won a Governor-General’s Literary Award
An important cultural ceremony among certain peoples of the Pacific coast; at this ceremony, births, deaths, marriages, and other significant events were recorded in an oral tradition; it was a carefully planned event that involved families and even entire village; it was also a way of establishing status in tribes
Cut-Off Lands
Lands taken from reserves without consent of the Aboriginal peoples
Abroriginal Title
Claims by Aboriginal people to lands that their ancestors inhabited
Ku Klux Klan
●A secret fraternity founded in the United States.
●Promoted racial and religious hatred against non-Protestants and non-whites.
●In the 1920s, they established short-lived local branches in Canada.
Stock Market Crash
On October 29, 1929, the New York Stock Exchange collapsed. The prices of all stocks fell quickly. It marked a shift from the prosperity of the 1920s to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The Great Depression
●1929 ~ 1939
●A period of severe economic and social hardship, massive unemployment, and terrible suffering.
●The stock market crash contributed to the severity of the Depression, but did not cause it. There were several reasons for the Depression.
○Wheat prices fell; wheat farmers depended on foreign markets, but other countries were producing wheat
○Overproduction; more goods were being produced than sold. Manufacturers eventually began to cut back on production which led to layoffs, which led to less income, which led to less spending.
○High tariffs; United States imposed high tariffs on foreign goods coming into the country, with the intentions of protecting the US domestic market. This led to other countries raising their own tariffs in response and the high taxes caused a slowdown in world trade as opportunities for export shrank.
○WWI; Germany was unable to meet its financial obligations under the 1919 peace agreement. Germany’s economy was in ruins, and the reparations stunted its ability to recover. France and Great Britain were counting on Germany to pay back their own war debts owed to the US. The US was demanding repayment of these loans.
“on margin”
Buying shares with only a 10% down payment.
A system using tariffs to raise prices of imported goods in order to protect domestic producers
Tax imposed on imported goods or services
Soup Kitchen
Set up to help the hungry and homeless during depression. Place where food is offered for free or at a lower price for the hungry.
● Money, food, housing, or other to help those in poverty or need
● Welfare that was handed out to families in the form of food vouchers
● Single men were expected to work in relief camps
Gov relief payments given to those who had no alternate source of income. unemployment or welfare benefit.
“riding the rods”
To hitch a ride on a freight train
Shanty towns
slums on the outskirts of many cities
“dust bowl”
area of land where vegetation and soil has been reduced to dust and eroded because of droughts or unsuitable farming practices
Mackenzie King
● Leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada from 1921-1930
● Unprepared to deal with a crisis on the scale of the Depression
● He believed the situation was temporary and that, in time, the economy would recover
● King believed this was the responsibility of municipal and provincial governments
His impulsive remark “a five-cent piece” cost him the election in 1930 against Conservatives leader R.B. Bennett
● Leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of Canada from 1930-1935
● Was not in favour of government relief
● His government gave the provinces $20 million for work-creation programs
● Raised tariffs by 50% to protect Canadian industries
- protected Canadian businesses but other nations also erected trade barriers against Canada
● Became a target for people’s frustration and anger
● His government banned the Communist Party and arrested several of its leaders
- Afraid that some frustrated men would come under the influence of the Communist Party
● Created work camps for unemployed, single men
On to Ottawa Trek
● In 1935, 1000+ men left work camps in the interior of B.C. to protest their working conditions
● Crowded in and on top of the freight trains picking up supporters along the way
● They were stopped by the RCMP in Regina and only the leaders were allowed to proceed to Ottawa
● Bennett attacked the leaders as radicals and troublemakers
● Led to the Regina riot in which the RCMP were ordered to clear all the trekkers
- one man was killed, many were injured, and 130 men were arrested
● Gov policy of not interfering in the working of the market economy by regulations or economic policies
● Keeping government involvement in the economy to a minimum
New Deal
●Introduced by Roosevelt
●Created numerous public work programs for the unemployed and for farmers
●Introduced Social Security Act
○Old age pension for workers 65 years of age and older
○Unemployment insurance
○Financial assistance for dependent mothers and children
●Resulted in the U.S. federal government spending billions of dollars to get the economy working again.
●Did not pull the United States out of the Depression, but helped millions to survive and gave hope for the future.
●Some people believed that the New Deal was a waste of taxpayer money, caused a more intrusive government, higher taxes, and unnecessary restrictions on business activities.
●BC Premier Dufferin Pattullo promised voters a “Little New Deal” based on the New Deal.
○Shorten the week day
○Increase minimum wage
○Increase relief payments by 20%
○Public works projects were launched (ie. Fraser River bridge)
○Projects did not last long, however, because the federal government challenged his authority to introduce programs that were considered to be in the federal domain.
Relief Camps
Places where young men had to work. Made to provide food, shelter, clothing, and medical care to those that could not afford it. Men were made to do labour there for 20 cents a day. Foods and living conditions were horrible
Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. A political party. Appealed to a wide variety of canadians dissatisfied with the gov’s reaction to the Great Depression. Included farmers, labourers, socialists, intellectuals, discontented liberals. Lead by J.S. Woodsworth. It was the forerunner of the NDP
Social Credit
● Emerged in 1935
● Led by “Bible Bill” William Aberhart
● Succeeded by Ernest Manning and Harry Strom
● Believed capitalism was wasteful and the government should release money hoarded by banks into the economy so that people could spend it
● Promised each citizen a “basic dividend” of twenty-five dollars a month to buy necessities
● Many people from Alberta supported it because the Depression had devastated their economy the worst and they resented the power and control of the banks in Central Canada
Bible Bill Aberhart
● Leader of the Social Credit Party
● Succeeded by Ernest Manning and Harry Strom
Union Nationale
● Emerged in 1936
● Led by Maurice Duplessis
● French-Canadian nationalist party
● Blamed Quebec’s problems on the English minority who controlled the province’s wealth
● Supported economic/social reforms but did not actually improve anything
● Supported by the Roman Catholic Church and the rural voters
Equalization Payments
● Established that the federal government have more control over taxation
● Grants given to the poorer provinces to ensure that every province was able to offer its citizens the same level of services
● Tensions between federal and provincial governments escalated
Dionne Quintuplets
● Emerged in 1934
● Brought a welcome distraction from the grim realities of the Depression
● Born in Corbeil, northern Ontario, they quickly became an international sensation
● When their poverty-stricken parents were judged incapable of looking after the “miracle babies”, the five girls were taken into the care of the Ontario government
● The Dionne girls were put on display to the public, and over three million people visited specially built hospitals where they were raised
Grey Owl
● Canadian figure who achieved popularity and world fame
●Pretended to be a Canadian Aboriginal, but was actually an Englishman named Archie Belaney.
● He devoted the latter part of his life to the preservation of the northern Canadian forests and the disappearing beaver
● His writings and speaking tours promoting conservation made him the most famous Canadian of his day
● His books, such as The Adventures of Sajo and Her Beaver People, became best-sellers
● He made movies, and dined with prime ministers and royalty
Totalitarian State
● Every aspect of people’s lives controlled by the Communist Party
● The state of Soviet Union
● An undemocratic state in which the government demands total obedience from citizens and controls all aspects of society
Hitler/der Fuhrer
● Ruthless dictator who ruled his country through intimidation and fear
● Leader of the German National Socialist party, or Nazi Party