Ch. 23.5 Flashcards
Who was a 67-year-old Cottonmill worker, that staunchly supported Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his new deal policies?
George Dobbin
FDR was extremely popular among who?
Working-class Americans
Who think Pres. Roosevelt’s policies made the federal government to large into powerful?
What does the federal deficit increase to in the fiscal year 1934?
$2.9 billion
As a result of the cutbacks in federal spending made in 1937-1938 the deficit dropped to what?
$100 million
After the federal spending cutback in 1937 – 1938 what did it rise to again next year?
$2.9 billion
The massive amount of spending by the federal government forgot it’s tanks ships airplanes and all the other equipment and supplies the country needed for World War II effort. During the war the deficit reached a high of about what in 1943?
$54.5 billion
What set standards for wages and hours banned child labor and ensure the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively with employers?
Wagner Act
What under the Wagner act continues to act as a mediator in labor disputes between unions and employers?
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
What created in 1934 continues to monitor the stock market and enforce laws regarding the sale of stocks and bonds?
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
What created by the Glass-Steagall act of 1933 shored up the banking system by reassuring individual depositors that their savings are protected against loss in the event of a bank failure?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Under the second agricultural adjustment act, passed in 1938, loans were made to farmers by the what?
Commodity Credit Corporation
What is a price intended to keep the farmers’ income study?
Parity price
Who planted trees, created hiking trails, and built fire lookout towers?
Civilian Conservation Corps
Who taught farmers how to conserve the soil through contour plowing, terracing, and crop rotation?
Soil Conservation Service
What in 1934 help to reduce grazing on public lands?
Taylor Grazing Act
Who harnessed water power to generate electricity and to help prevent disastrous floods in the Tennessee Valley?
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
What is the title of this section?
The impact of the new deal
What brought the bank back through FDR?
Emergency Banking Relief Act
What put FDIC into effect, FDR told the their money was safe in the bank
Glass-Steagall Act
What made farmers farm less to get higher prices for their products? Government would pay farmers for unused land.
Agriculture Adjustment Act
What helped with food, clothing, elderly, and made $250,000 go to state?
Federal Emergency Relief Act
What put 18 to 25-year-olds to work, building roads and planting trees, to stop a dustbowl from happening again?
Civilian Conservation Corps
What was part of Roosevelts work program and put 50,000 teachers to work, and made 4 million jobs?
Civilian Works Admin.
What made sure your stocks were safe?
Federal Securities Act
What provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings?
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Who fixed prices and set limits on companies?
National Recovery Administration
Who fixed roads and created millions of jobs and airports?
Works Progress Administration
Who provided help for students, they had to work in return part-time?
National Youth Administration
What created the Federal Housing Administration and continues to furnish loans for home mortgages and repairs today?
National Housing Act
What promised insurance to people 65 and up, gave benefits, unemployment help, and helped disabled children?
Social Security Act