Ch. 23.1 Flashcards
Who was working at the printing press operator small-town Wisconsin?
Hank Oettinger
In 1933 what did Pres. Roosevelt begin creating?
Work programs
Through one of the work programs what put Oettinger back to work in 1933?
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Who was the two-term governor of New York and the Democrats nominee for president?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
FDR’s advisers a select group of professions, lawyers, and journalist that came to be known as the what?
“Brain Trust”
This program designed to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression became known as the what?
New Deal
The Roosevelt administration launched a period of intense activity known as the what?
Hundred Days
When did Congress pass more than 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation?
During the Hundred Days
What was Roosevelt’s first step as president?
To carryout reforms in banking and finance
What authorized the Treasury Department to inspect the country’s banks?
Emergency Banking Relief Act
What were radio talks about issues of public concern called?
Fireside chats
What established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
Glass-Steagall act of 1933
How much did the FDIC insure individual bank accounts to?
What required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentations?
Federal Securities Act
Who regulated the stock market? One goal of this commission was to prevent people with inside information about companies from reading the stock market for their own profit.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
What sought to raise crop prices by lowering production?
Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)
Who renovated five existing dams and constructed 20 new ones, creating thousands of jobs, and provided flood control, hydroelectric power, and other benefits to an impoverished region?
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
What put young men age 18 to 25 to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in soil erosion and flood control projects?
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
What provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings?
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
What set prices of many products and establish standards?
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Who provided government loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure because they couldn’t meet their loan payments?
Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
The national housing act created the what? In 1934
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Who provided direct relief for the needy?
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
What is spending more money than the government receives in revenue?
Deficit spending
Who were particularly angered by laws such as the agriculture adjustment act and the national industrial recovery act?
What were you opponents of the new deal banded together to form an organization called?
American Liberty League
Who was a Roman Catholic priest from a service suburb of Detroit, that broadcast radio sermons that combines economic political and religious ideas?
Father Charles Coughlin
It was another critic of the new deal that was a physician and a health officer in Long Beach, California?
Senator Huey Long of Louisiana