1st 2nd Semester Test Flashcards
What era does the gilded age represent?
1870s - 1890s
How many people left rural America for the cities during the gilded age?
7 million
What were the main two entrance points for the immigrants?
Ellis and Angel islands
What is the desire for politics that favor native born Americans?
What were the desirable races?
British German and Scandinavian
What were the undesirable races?
Slav Latin and Asiatic races
What act said that no more Chinese could enter into America?
Chinese exclusion act
What was the social campaign to assimilate new immigrants into American culture?
Americanization movement
Who wrote the book Hull House in 1889?
Jane Addams
What were signs of urbanization?
Poverty, mass transit – trolleys, tenements – shack apartments, crime and disaster
What group put forth the desirable and undesirable races?
Immigration restriction league
What president came up with the square deal?
Theodore Roosevelt
What is it when all companies raise their prices in secret with each other?
What party did Theodore Roosevelt come up with?
Bull-Moose party
What made company officials involved in a trust can be prosecuted and explicitly legalizes unions and strikes?
Clayton antitrust act
What was the time period of the progressive era?
1900 - 1920
What was the 16th amendment?
Federal income tax
What was the 17th amendment?
Direct election of Senators
What was the 18th amendment?
Prohibition of manufacture sale or transport of intoxicating liquors
What was the 19th amendment?
Women’s suffrage
Who came up with the 10% plan for the South’s reconstruction?
Abraham Lincoln
What at the South under marshall law except for Tennessee?
Reconstruction act of 1867
What made up the compromise of 1877?
Hayes will become president 1. removal of remaining federal troops 2. federally funded railroad network in the south 3. Democrats to Hayes cabinet
What was the meeting point between savagery and civilization, a place of rapid and effective Americanization?
Who was Abraham Lincoln successor?
Andrew Johnson
Which state was this man involved with politics?
He was the only senator to do what?
Stay in the union
What was the period during which the United States began to rebuild after the Civil War and started to readmit the Confederate states?
What was another name for Lincolns proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction?
Ten percent plan
Who were the radical Republicans led by?
Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens
Where is Charles Sumner from?
Where is Thaddeus Stevens from?
What propose that Congress should be responsible for the reconstruction instead of the president?
Wade - Davis bill
What did Lincoln use to kill the Wade - Davis Bill?
Pocket veto
Which amendment abolished slavery?
13th Amendment
Was Johnson in favor of letting former slaves gain the right to vote?
Who led the radical Republican legislators?
Thaddeus Stevens
What assisted former slaves and poor whites in the South by distributing clothing and food?
Freedmen’s bureau
Johnson shocked everyone when he vetoed both the Freedmen’s Bureau act and the civil rights act
What were discriminatory laws that severely restricted African-American lives?
Black codes
Who has the sole power to impeach federal officials?
The House of Representatives
What act stated that the president cannot remove cabinet members?
Tenure of office act and would have to get consent of the Senate
What Gov. from New York ran against Ulysses S. Grant for the presidency?
What’s states that no one could be kept from voting because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
15th Amendment
Who was the 15th amendment an important victory for?
Who gave the federal government more power to punish those who try to prevent African-Americans from exercising their rights?
Enforcement act of 1870
Where was Andrew Carnegie born?
What business was Andrew Carnegie’s?
What is a process in which you buy out your suppliers?
Vertical integration
What is it called when companies producing similar products merge?
Horizontal integration
What was the name of Charles Darwin’s book?
On the origin of species
What is complete control over industries production of wages and prices?
Late 19th century social philosophers offered a different explanation for Carnegie success
Social Darwinism
Who established the standard oil Company?
What are people who run separate companies as one large corporation?
A group of trustees
What made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries?
Sherman antitrust act
Who formed the national labor union?
Who was president of the American Federation of labor?
Which union used strikes as a major tactic?
American Federation of labor
Who attempted to form the American Railway Union?
What is an economic and political system based on government control of business and property and equal distribution of wealth?
Who headed the industrial workers of the world?
Big Bill Haywood
What was the nickname for the industrial workers of the world?
What protested police brutality?
The Haymarket affair
What did employees have to sign swearing that they would not join a union?
Yellow-dog contracts
Who wrote the late 18th century novel the Gilded Age?
Mark Twain
What was an organized group that control the activities of a political party in the city?
Political machine
Who was the boss in New York?
Roscoe Conkling
Who was the Democratic city boss in Kansas City?
What was the illegal use of political influence for personal gain?
Who was head of Tammany Hall New York City’s powerful democratic political machine?
William Tweed
What was William Tweed also known as?
Boss Tweed
Who was a political cartoonist that helped arouse public outrage against Tammany Hall’s graft?
Thomas Nast
What is the giving of government jobs to people who let help the candidate get elected?
What was the patronage policy known as and Andrew Jackson’s administration?
The spoils system
What was jobs in government administration known as?
Civil service
What president tried to reform civil service?
Rutherford B. Hayes
What president seceded Rutherford B. Hayes?
James Garfield
What made appointments to federal jobs do a merit system based on candidates performance on it examination?
Pendleton civil service act
What president tried to lower tariff rates?
Grover Cleveland
Whose campaign was financed by large contributions from companies that wanted tariffs even higher than they were?
Benjamin Harrison