Ch 21 Abdomen Flashcards
Hollow viscera
The shape of the organ depends on the contents
Stomach Gallbladder, Small Intestines, Colon, And bladder
Difficulty swallowing occurs with disorders of the throat or esophagus
Heartburn a burning sensation in esophagus and stomach from reflux of gastric acid
Contour (abdomen shape)
Describe the nutritional state and normally ranges from flat to rounded
Scaphoid is concave shaped belly
Protuberant : highly rounded belly
Hernia (abdominal)
Protrusion of abdominal viscera through abdominal opening into the muscle wall
One common pigment change stretch marks
The accumulation of excess fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
Occurs with heart failure portal hypertension cirrhosis hepatitis pancreatitis and cancer
Enhance abdominal wall relaxation
Positioning the patient with the knees bent
Pyloric Stenosis
The constriction or narrowing of the pyloric sphincter (opening at the end of the stomach leading to the intestines) opening effect newborns
The abdomen normally moves when breathing until what age
Older adult have
Decreased salivation leading to dry mouth
An eating disorder manifested by a craving to ingest material not normally considered food, e.g., starch, clay, ashes, crayons, cotton, grass, cigarette butts, soap, wood, paper, or plaste
Pigmented nevi
Moles circumscribed brown muscular or papular areas are common in the abdomen
Cutaneous angiomas
A usually benign tumor Occur with portal hypertension or liver disease
This is the hyperperistalsis when you feel your stomach growling
Are loud high-pitched rushing tinkling sounds that signal increased motility
Absent sounds follow abdominal surgery or with inflammation of the peritoneum
The enlargement of the liver
The enlargement of the liver
Indicated when percussion on the anterior axillary line change in percussion from tympany to a dull sound
Inflammation of the liver, usually caused by exposure to an infectious agent (such as a hepatitis virus), a toxin (such as alcohol), or a drug (such as acetaminophen).
A chronic disease of the liver characterized by scarring with loss of normal hepatic architecture and areas of ineffective regeneration.
Inflammation of the pancreas, sometimes accompanied by damage to neighboring organs (e.g., the bowel, lungs, spleen, or stomach) or by a systemic inflammatory response.
Is a loud drum like sound heard over air filled organs
Solid viscera
Those that maintain characteristic shape
Liver, pancreas; spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus