Ch. 2: Values, Attitudes, Emotions, and Culture: The Manager as a Person Flashcards
What are personality traits?
Enduring tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways.
What are the The Big Five personality traits?

What is extraversion?
The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about oneself and the rest of the world.
What is negative affectivity?
The tendency to experience negative emotions and moods, to feel distressed, and to be critical of oneself and others.
What is agreeableness?
The tendency to get along well with other people.
What is conscientiousness?
The tendency to be careful, scrupulous, and persevering.
What is openess to experience?
The tendency to be original, have broad interests, be open to a wide range of stimuli, be daring, and take risks.
What is an internal locus of control?
The tendency to locate responsibility for one’s fate within oneself.
What is an external locus of control?
The tendency to locate responsibility for one’s fate in outside forces and to believe one’s own behavior
has little impact on outcomes.
What is self-esteem?
The degree to which individuals feel good about themselves and their capabilities.
What is the need for achievement?
The extent to which an individual has a strong desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet personal standards for excellence.
What is the need for affiliation?
The extent to which an individual is concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being liked, and having other people get along.
What is the need for power?
The extent to which an individual desires to control or influence others.
What is terminal value?
A lifelong goal or objective that an individual seeks to achieve.
What is instrumental value?
A mode of conduct that an individual seeks to follow.
What are norms?
Unwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and are considered important by most members of a group or organization.
What are value systems?
The terminal and instrumental values that are guiding principles in an individual’s life.
What are some of the terminal and instrumental values?

What is attitude?
A collection of feelings and beliefs.
What is job satisfaction?
The collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their current jobs.
What are organizational citizenship behaviours? (OCBs)
Behaviors that are not required of organizational members but that contribute to and are necessary for organizational efficiency, effectiveness, and competitive advantage.
What is organizational commitment?
The collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their organization as a whole.
What is a mood?
A feeling or state of mind.
What are emotions?
Intense, relatively short-lived feelings.
What is emotional intelligence?
The ability to understand and manage one’s own moods and emotions and the moods and emotions of other people.
What is organizational culture?
The shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms, and work routines that influence how individuals, groups, and teams interact with one another and cooperate to achieve organizational goals.
What is attraction– selection–attrition (ASA) framework?
A model that explains how personality may influence organizational culture. When founders hire employees for their new ventures, they tend to be attracted to and choose employees whose personalities are similar to their own. These similar employees are more likely to stay with the organization. Although employees who are dissimilar in personality might be hired, they are more likely to leave the organization over time
What are factors that maintain and transmit organizational culture?

What is organizational socialization?
The process by which newcomers learn an organization’s values and norms and acquire the work behaviors necessary to perform jobs effectively.
What are the 3 most important rites that organizations use to transmit cultural norms and values to their members?