Ch 2-4 Measurement & Issues (class 3-4) Flashcards
Ways to report on personality
- Self reports
- Observer reports
- Test data
- Life outcome data
Types of
- Self report
measures of personality
Structured (response options, most common)
Unstructured (open ended can be interview)
- Self report
measures of personality
We know ourselves, dreams etc
Can share perceptions of how others see us
- Self report
measures of personality
We are biased
We may not know everything
What is
- Observer report
Asking ppl around to provide information
- Observer report
Unique diff perspective
Multiple observers
- Observer report
Ppl may not know context
Ppl know nothing of others inner experience
What Is
- Test Data
Standerdized testing (controlled situations)
- Test Data
Controlled environment
Elicit behaviours
Test Hypothesis
- Test Data
Observer effect
Creating valid situations
Observer bias
What is
- Life outcome Data
Data publicly available, examine events and outcomes of individual’s life
- Life outcome data
See how personality can affect actual lives outcomes
- Life outcome data
Lack control
Maybe other factors
What is The big - 5
Self report scale
Measures individual along a spectrum of 5 main dimensions & sub factors
When was the big 5 developed?
How did they create the big 5
Lexical approach
Equally influenced by genetics and environment (cultural perspectives)
Describe the main 5, OCEAN factors
- Open mindedness
- Conscientiousness
- Agreeableness
- Extraversion
- Negative emotionality
describe Big-5 & sub factors
- Open mindedness
Curiosity, imagination
Ready for adventure
Appreciation for artistic
Sub factors
Intelectual curiosity
Aesthetic Sensitivity
Creative Imagination
Describe traits for 1. Open mindedness
High creative, aware of feelings, unconventional beliefs, unpredictable, risky behaviours
Low perseverance, focus science, data, closed minded.
describe Big-5 & sub factors
- Conscientiousness
Organization of environment. Self discipline, strive achieve
Sub factors
Organization, productiveness, responsibility
Describe traits for 2. Conscientiousness
High organized goal driven stubborn
Low flexible, spontaneous, disorganized, not reliable
describe Big-5 & sub factors
- Extraversion
Eagerness to interact with world, positive boost from interaction with others, high energy and active situations
Sub factors
Sociable, Assertive, Energy level
Describe traits for 3. Extraversion
High Enjoy interact with others, full of energy, enthusiastic, center of attention
Low quiet, low key, less social work, not shy or depressed, just need less stimulation from outside wold
Describe Big-5 & sub factors
- Agreeableness
Want the world to get along, social trait, +R with better relationships
Sub factors
Compassion, respectfullness, Trust
Describe traits for 4. Agreeableness
High want others to get along, concerned with others well being, kind, generous, trusting, willing to compromise, optimistic view of humanity
Self interest, less likely to help others, suspicious, unfriendly, uncooperative, competitive
Describe Big-5 & sub factors
- Negative emotionality
Neuroticism, neg emotions, low tolerance to stress
sub factors
Anxiety, depression, emotional volatility
Describe traits for 5. Negative Emotionality
High Emotionally reactive, sensitive to stress, outside world threatening, pessimistic
Low harder to upset, calm, emotionally stable,
Evaluating research
Difference between theory and belief
Theory explains somethings that occurs in the world incorporating past research and hypotheses
Belief not scientifically supported
Good research is
- Reliable
- Valid
- Testable
Good research is
1. Reliable (describe)
Is the test/measure consistent
The replication crisis
Since when
2010 - still going on
Difficult or impossible to replicate some studies
Forms of Reliability
- Test Retest reliability
- Internal consistency reliability
- Inter-Rater reliability
Forms of Reliability
- Test Retest reliability is
Consistency result every time measure is used
VERY important in personality research
State personality vs trait personality
Forms of Reliability
- Internal consistency Reliability is
Internal consistency
In a pattern of answers no matter how a question is phrased
Cronbach’s alpha a
Forms of Reliability
- Interrater reliability
2 Coders/ observers give consistent ratings
Important in observational research
Kappa statistic
What form of reliability is very important in personality research?
Test Retest reliability
What form of reliability is important in observational research ?
Interrater reliability
What form of reliability uses the Kappa statistic
Interrater reliability
What form of reliability uses the Cronbach’s alpha statistic
Internal reliability
What is validity
How accurate is the measure and does it measure what it is supposed to?
What are the 4 main types of validities
- Construct
- Statistical
- Internal
- External
What Validities are under Construct
- Face
- Content
- Criterion
- Convergent
- Discriminant
What is 1. construct validity
how well is the variable measured or manipulated
What is 5. Face validity
Does it look like a good measure
What is 6. content validity
The measure contains all the parts that established theory says it should
What is 7. Criterion Validity
Predictive validity
Measure is correlated with a relevant outcome
What is 7. Criterion Validity
Predictive validity
Measure is correlated with a relevant outcome
What is 8. Convergent validity
Measure is strongly associated with measures of similar constructs
What is 9. discriminant validity
Measure is not strongly associated with measures of dissimilar constructs
Can a measure be valid and not reliable
Can a measure be reliable and not valid
What is 3. Internal validity
are the research results valid?
Affected by controlling or environment of study?
What is 4. External validity
how do results from one area apply to another area
What is a weird population
Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic
What % of the world population do WEIRD population represent?
What % of the study participants are WEIRD
Research designs
What is a variable?
Something that differs or can be measured differently
EX Agression, cheerfulness, weight, speed, height.
What is the IV
the predictor variable
on the X axis
What is the DV
The outcome variable
On the Y Axis
Different forms of studies
- Correlational
- Experimental
- Case studies
What do correlational studies do
Investigate relationships between variables
What statistic does correlational research use
The correlation coefficient
2 problems with correlational studies
Directionality what variable came first
Third variable problem
What are experimental studies
Can determine causality
Require Manipulation or Intervention
Similar groups at the start
How to make sure the groups are the same in experimental studies
Counterbalancing (switching orders of manipulations)
Random assignment
What are Case studies
In depth examination of one individual
Useful as starting points before bigger studies
Study rare phenomenon
interviews assessment observations