Ch 18 - Liver & Gallbladder Flashcards
small and shrunken liver
liver failure
diffuse of liver cells w/out obvious death and parenchymal collapse
diffuse microvesicular statosis
- fatty liver of preg
- idiocsyncratic rxns to toxins
50% of acute liver failure in the US is d/t?
- N/V
- jaundice/icterus
- itching
- coagulation abnormalities
- elevated LFTs
- possible portal HTN
- aserixis
acute liver failure
- ascites
- formation of portosystemic venous shunts
- congestive splenomegaly
- hepatic encephalopathy
portal HTN
hepatitis ass’d with carrier state
HBV ( somtimes HCV)
early HBV infection confers high risk of what later in life?
progressive chronic HBV leads to?
hepatitis ass’d w/ needle sticks and IVDA
chronic disease occurs in the majority of what kind of hepatitis inf?
dx of HCV is done with what serum marker?
elevated serum transaminases
hepatits that can have normal serum transaminase levels?
2 settings ass’d with HDV
- superinfection: get HDV when you already have HBV
- coinfection: getting inf with HBV and HDV at the same time
ground glass cells in the liver
fatty changes to liver cells (type of hep)
dense mononuclear infiltrates in the liver
chronic hepatits
expanded lymphoid follicle in the liver
interface hepatitis
chronic hepatits
- severe necroinflammatory activity
- plasma cell predominance in mononuclear infiltrates
- hepatocyte “rosettes”
autoimmune hepatitis
autoimmune hep ass’d with ANA and ASMA in older F
type 1
autoimmune hep ass’d with anti-LKM1 in children and teens
type 2
- fatty chage/steatatosis
- steatohepatitis
- steatofibrosis > cirrhosis
patterns of injury ass’d with etoh liver dz
- hepatocyte swelling and necrosis
- Mallory-Denk bodies
- neutrophilitis
hepatomegaly with minimal symptoms, elevated billi and alk phos
- tender hepatomegaly
- +/- cholestasis
- hyperbilirubinemia
- ALT:AST = 2:1
- elevated alk phos
- nonspecific s/s
clumped, amorphic, eosinophilic material in ballooned hepatocytes made up of tangled keratins and other proteins like ubiquitin
mallory-denk bodies
chicken wire fence pattern
etoh steatofibrosis
MCC of chronic liver disease in the US
massion trichrome stain
collagen in cirrhosis or steatofibrosis (seen in NAFLD too)
- hepatomegaly
- abn skin pigmentation
- DM
- cardiac dysfxn
- hypogonadism
- def in ATP7B
- failure to encorporate Cu in ceruloplasmin
wilson dz
inheritance of wilson dz
MCly dx’ed inherited hepatic disorder of infants and children
A1-AT deficiency
inheritance pattern of A1-AT def
glu342 > lys342
A1-AT deficiency
magenta cytoplasmic granules on PAS
A1-AT deficiency
HFE mutation
hereditary hemachromatosis
- absent UGT1A1 activity
- fatal in neonatal period
Cigler-Najjar I
inheratence of Crigler-Najjar I
jet black liver
rotor syndrome
pigmented cytoplasmic globules in the liver
Dubin-Johnson syndrom
- jaundice
- puritis
- xanthomas
- malabsorption
- elevated alk phos & GGT
cause of cholestasis in adults
large duct obst
cause of cholestasis in children
CF and other syndromes
cause of cholestasis in neonates
biliary atresia
- jaundice
- RUQ pain
- fever
charcot’s triad: acute cholagitis
complete or partial obst of lumen of extrahepatic biliary tree w/in first 3 mo of life
biliary atresia
biliary atreasia ass’d with other anomalies
fetal form
biliary atresia thougth to be ass’d with viral inf and/or autoimmune dz
perinatal form
florid features of extrahepatic biliary obst
biliary atresia
- MC in F
- high ass’t with Sjogren synd
- AMA +
- florid duct lesions
- loss of small ducts
- MC in M
- high ass’t with IBD (MC in UC)
- 65% are ANCA +
- strictures and beading of large bile ducts
- pruning of smaller bile ducts
- onion skin lesions
- hepatic vv obst
- abd pain
- ascites
- hepatomegaly
budd-chiari syndrome
MCC of jaundice in pregnancy
3 hepatic diseases ass’d with preg
- pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
- chlolestasis of pregnancy (++conj bili)
- acute fatty liver
- edema
- proteinuria
- coag abn
- pregnant!
- +/- seizures
- puritis
- dark urine
- light stools
- pregnant!
cholestasis of preg
preg with + oil red O stain on liver biopsy
fatty liver of preg
- singe wide demarcated lesion
- young - middle aged
- liver is normal
- central scar
- loss of normal architecture
focal nodular hyperplasia
- looks like cirrhosis w/ no fibrous septa
- can devo portal HTN
- ass’d with HIV, rheumatologix dz, SLE
nodular regerative hyperplasia
- MC benign neoplasm of the liver
- MC in F
cavernous hemagioma
adenomas are ass’d with what drug in women?
type of adenoma that confers v high risk of malignant transformation
beta-catenin activated adenoma
- MC liver tumor of early childhood
- ass’d with wnt signaling ptwy
- MC primary malignancy of hepatocytes
- inc AFP
MC sites of HCC mets
lung, R heart
-young adult (
fibrolamellar carcinoma
perihilar cholangiocarcinoma
klaskin tumor
MC sites liver gets mets from
- colon
- breast
- lung
- pancreas
NHF1-alpha inactivated adeomas
liver fluke
black stone
hemolytic anemia
brown stones
infected bile
ABCG8 gene
cholesterol stones
gallbladder carcinoma
MC typer of gallbladder ca