CH 16 Flashcards
What’s Client Centered Therapy (Person Centered Therapy)?
A type of humanistic therapy in which the therapist reflects in which the therapist reflects the client’s feeling and fosters personal growth and self-awareness in an environment that offers genuineness, acceptance, and empathy.
What’s Systematic Desensitization?
A type of behavioral therapy in which a state of relaxation is classically conditioned to a hierarchy of gradually increasing, anxiety-provoking stimuli.
What’s Psychoanalysis?
A form of psychotherapy that attempts to give clients insight into their repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts stemming from early childhood.
What’s Family Therapy?
A form of psychotherapy that treats the family as a unit, focusing on relationships and problems among the various members of the family.
What’s Cognitive Therapy for Depression?
A type of cognitive therapy that helps people to discover and change their habitually negative patterns of thinking.
What’s Drug Therapy?
A biomedical therapy focused on prescribing medications that alter mental functions to alleviate psychological symptoms.
What’s Electroconvulsive Therapy?
A biomedical therapy used primarily in the treatment of depression.
What’s Aversive Conditioning?
A type of behavioral therapy that attempts to reduce the frequency of a problem behavior by associating it with an unpleasant experience.
What’s Psychotherapy?
Is an interaction between a socially sanctioned clinician and someone suffering from a psychological problem, with the goal of providing support or relief from the problem.
What’s Eclectic Therapy?
A form of psychotherapy that involves drawing on techniques from different forms of therapy, depending on the client and the problem.
What’s Psychodynamic Psychotherapies?
Explore childhood events and encourage individuals to use the understanding gained from the exploration to develop insight into their psychological problems.
What’s Free Associations?
Which the client expresses whatever thoughts and feelings come to mind.
What’s Developing Insight?
The goal of psychoanalysis is for the client to understand the unconscious through a process Freud called developing insight.
What’s Interpersonal Psychotherapy?
A form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping clients improve current relationships
What’s Gestalt Therapy?
Has the goal of helping the client become aware of his or her thoughts, behaviours, experiences, and feelings and to “own” or take responsibility for them.
What’s Behavior Therapy?
Assumes that disordered behaviour is learned and that symptom relief is achieved through changing overt, maladaptive behaviours into more constructive behaviours.
What are 3 Examples of Behavior Therapy?
Eliminating Unwanted Behaviours, Promoting Desired Behaviours, Reducing Unwanted Emotional Responses.
What’s Token Economy?
Involves giving clients “tokens” for desired behaviours that they can later trade for rewards.
What’s Exposure Therapy?
An approach to treatment of the client that involves confronting an emotion-arousing stimulus directly and repeatedly, ultimately leading to a decrease in the emotional response.
What’s Cognitive Therapy?
Focuses on helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking about self, others, or the world. For example, behaviorists might explain a phobia as the outcome of a classical conditioning experience such as being bitten by a dog; the dog bite leads to the development of a dog phobia through the association of the dog with the experience of pain.
What’s Cognitive Reconstructing?
Teaches clients to question the automatic beliefs, assumptions, and predictions that often lead to negative emotions and to replace negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs.
What’s Mindfulness Mediation?
Teaches an individual to be fully present in each moment; to be aware of his or her thoughts, feelings, and sensations; and to detect symptoms before they become a problem.
What’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
A blend of cognitive and behavioural therapeutic strategies.
What’s Group Therapy?
A type of therapy in which multiple participants (who often do not know one another at the outset) work on their individual problems in a group atmosphere.
What’s Resistance?
Resistances indicate that these issues are creating anxiety for you, they may point to unresolved conflicts that need attention.
What’s Transference?
Redirecting your emotions from unresolved conflicts toward the analyst, rather than toward the person who is the source of your conflicts (often a parent).
What’s Interpretation?
An analyst explanation’s of the person dreams, slips of the tongue, and other behaviors to help the patient gain insight.