ch 16 Flashcards
Radiolucency with mixed RO xray?
Multilocular RL??
Central Giant cell granuloma
Anterior mandible crossing the midline
central giant cell granuloma
Glandular odontogenic cyst
Ectodermal dysplasia?
What structures are abnormal?
ectodermal structures don’t develop.
Yes genetic.
cone shaped teeth, Sparse hair, periocular wrinkling with color.
Skin, Nails, Sweat glands, Hair, Teeth.
White sponge nevus?
Bilateral white plaque on cheeks (doesn’t wipe off)
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome?
What happens in intestine?
How is this different than Gardners syndrome?
How likely are they to do cancer?
freckle like lesions of the mouth, hands, genital area.
GI polyps.
The polyps are non cancerous.
18X more likely.
Tuberous Sclerosis is presented with?
Mental retardation Seizures Potato like growths Angiofibromas of the skin Ungual fibromas Skin lesions such as Shagreen patches (shark skin), Ash-leaf spots (hypopigmentation)
Pemphigus Vulgaris happens because???
When do oral lesions show and leave with therapy?
What’s a positive sign to demonstrate it’s phemphigus?
What’s treatment?
Autoantibodies against the desmosomes (skin can fall off)
First to show, last to go.
Postitive nikolsky sign (blows off with air syringe)
Immunosuppression drugs.
What is hailey-hailey disease?
Familial Pemphigus that’s only in the mouth
What’s mucous membrane pemphigoid?
How much more common than pemphigus?
What’s the most common complication?
What’s the adhesions on the eye’s called?
What’s it called when it turns the eyelid inside out?
Lesions all over, as well as intraoral blood blister. 2 times as common. Eye lesions. Symblepharons. Entropion.
Erythema Multiforme? What does the lesion look like? What do the lips look like? How quick are the lesions? What are the three types of EM? What's the trigger for EM Minor? What's the trigger for EM Major/TEN?
Blisterering ulcerative mucocutaneous condition.
Bulls eye Target looking lesion.
Lips are crusting.
Very quick onset.
1. EM Minor 2. EM Major (Steven Johnsons) 3. Toxic Epidermal necrolysis.
EM Minor:Herpes simplex.
EM Major/TEN: medication.
What’s another name for erythema migrans: Two other names?
Geographic tongue or Benign Migratory Glossitis.
Lichen planus? What are the 4 skin lesions? What's the white lines that surface them called? Treatment for lichen planus? What drug is used for treatment?
Dermatologic disease can affect oral mucosa.
1. Purple, 2. Pruritic 3. Polygonal 4. Papules.
Wickham’s striae lines.
No treatment unless it’s erosive.
What does it look like?
Bone marrow transplants gone wrong.
Erosive Lichen planus all over the entire mouth.
Lupus Erythematous? What's the rash look like? What happens to the heart? What other organ gets it? What other symptom do they get? What drug is used?
immune disease. Malar Butterfly rash. Libman Sacks Endocarditis. Kidney. Arthritis. Antimalarial drug (Hydroxychloraquine: blue palate)
Systemic sclerosis?
What’s the first sign of disease?
What happens to their mouths?
lots of dense collagen is deposited in the tissues.
Raynaud’s phenomenon, vasocontriction of fingers numb fingers.
Mouths: microstomia, xerostomia.
CREST syndrome?
C: calcinosis cutis (calcium deposits in the skin)
R: raynaud’s phenomenon
E: esophageal dysfunction (collagen deposition in esophagus)
S: sclerodactyly (stiff shiny fingers)
T: telangiestasia (superficial capillaries)
DON’T NEED TO KNOW!!!Acanthosis Nigricans is a sign of what else going on?
What does it look like on skin?
GI cancer.
Brown velvety leather skin.