Ch 15 Flashcards
Structural support and protecting of internal organs
Internal and external movement
Where bones come come together/ type determined by need for flexibility
Bind muscles to bones
Bind bones to other bones
Replacement of cartilage with bone
Produce immature bony tissue that replaces cartilage
Nourishes and maintains bone
Reabsorp or digest bone
Musculoskeletal system
Bones, muscles, and joints of the body
Diaphysis (bone structure)
Epiphysis (bone structure)
Metaphysis (bone structure)
Flares portion between end and shaft
Epiphyseal line or plate (bone structure)
Growth plate where cartilage replaced by bone for bone growth
Compact bone
Contains haversian systems for blood vessels, nerves, and yellow bone marrow
Spongy trabecular bone, spaces contain red bone marrow elements for blood formation
Yellow marrow
Chiefly fat
Red marrow
Rich with blood vessels and immature and mature blood cells invarious stages of development
Bone marrow
Ribs, pelvic bone. Sternum, vertebrae, epiphyes of long bones
Deserve attachments for muscles, tendons, and ligaments
Opening or hollow regions help join bones or serve as passageway for nerves and or vessels
Facial bones
Nasal, lacrimal, maxillary, mandibular, zygomatic, Zomer bones
Air cavities
I facial and cranial bones lighten the skull and warm and moisten the air as it passes into the respiratory system
Thorax (bones)
- clavicle
- scapula
- sternum
- ribs
Arm and hand (bones)
- humerus
- ulna
- radius
- carpals
- metacarpals
- phalanges
Pelvis (bones)
- pelvic girdle
- ilium
- ischium
- pubis
Rounded depression in pelvis that joins the femur, forming the hip joint
Outward extension of shoulder blade forming the point of the shoulder
Articular cartilage
Thin layer of cartilage covering the bone in the joint space
Sense, hard connective tissue composing the skeleton
Bone depression
Opening or hollow region serving as a connect for bones
A mineral constituent of bone
Flexible rubbery connective tissue
Dense connective tissue protein strands found in bone and other tissues
Cranial bone
Skull bones: ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal
Epiphyseal plate
Cartilaginous area at the end of long bones where lengthwise growth takes in the immature skeleton
Each end of long bone
Soft spot between the skull bones of an infant
Foramen magnum
Opening of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes
Pulmonary parenchyma
Portion of the lung involved in gas transfer
Removal of the larynx
Lung disease resulting from the inhalation of asbestos particles
Shortness of breath
Infection in chest cavity
Doctor of physical therapy
Lung sounds
Wheeze, crackles, Stridor
A harsh or grating sound noise when breathing
Collapsed lung
Rhinorrhea vs expectoration
Rhinorrhea is a condition where the nasal cavity is filled with a significant amount of mucous fluid. Expectoration is a cough or spit out phlegm from the throat or lungs.
Pulmonary abscess
Tissue and formation of cavities containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection
Coughing up blood
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Endoscopic exam of lungs
Hypercapnia vs hypoxemia
Excessive carbon dioxide in the blood stream. Vs an abnormally low concentration of oxygen in blood.
Incision into the chest
Rod shaped bacteria
Examine voice box.
Blood protein
Albumin/ globulin
Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate immune system
Parts of long bones
Diaphysis, epiphysis, metaphysis, articulate cartilage, periosteum, periosteum, medullary, endosteum
Immature blood cells
Polycythemia vs hemochromatosis
Abnormal increased concentration of hemoglobin in blood. Vs hereditary disorder in which irons salts are deposited in the tissues.
Ability of blood to clot is severely reduced
Coagulation time vs Erthrocyte sedimentation rate
Measurement of the the power of blood to convert fibrinogen to fibrin. Vs detecting inflammation with conduction such as infections, cancers and diseases
Whether you have to many red blood cells.
Edema vs petechiae
Excessive watery fluid collecting in the cavities or tissue of body. Vs small red or purple spot caused by bleeding into the skin.
Antibodies, glycoproteins molecules produced my white blood cells ( plasma cells)
Interstitial fluid
Pertaining to space between cells
T cell/ where is it produced
Lymphocyte of a type produced by the thymus gland and actively participating in the immune response
Tonsils vs adenoids
Two small masses of lymphoid tissue in the throat. Vs mass of enlarged lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and throat
Increase of lymphocytes in blood
Human immunodeficiency virus
Hodgkin disease
Malignant but often curable disease of lymphatic tissues causes enlargement of lymphnodes, liver, and spleen
Herpes simplex
Viral infection
Skin cancer seen in AIDS
Cancellous bone
Spongy or trabecular bone. Two types of bone tissue found in at the end of long bones.
Shoulder bone
Made of 3 bones. Clavicle
Collarbone), scapula (shoulder blade), humerus ( upper arm
Bones of cranium
Frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal. Sphenoid, and ethmoid bones
Bones of face
Maxillae, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, palatine, inferior nasal conchae, ethmoid, comer, mandible, hyoid.
Diaphysis vs epiphysis
Shaft or central part of a long bone. Vs end of a part of a long bone
Subluxation of a vertebra
Bones or your spine move out of positron and create pressure or irritate spinal nerves
Spinal deformities
Scoliosis (side to side curvature), kyphosis (scheuermans disease), spondylolisthesis
Osteomyelitis vs osteoporosis
Inflammation of bone marrow. Vs condition which bones become brittle from loss of tissue
Kyphosis vs ankylosis
Excessive outward curve of spine . Vs abnormal stiffening of a joint due to fusion of bones
Rheumatoid arthritis vs osteoarthritis
Chronic disease causing inflammation in joints. Vs degeneration of joint cartilage underlying bone
Leiomysarcoma vs leiomyoma
Cancer of connective tissue of body. Vs benign tumor of smooth muscle.
Supination vs pronation
Corresponding movement of the foot and leg in which the foot rolls outward with an elevated arch. Vs rotation of the medial bones in the midtarsal region of the foot inward and downward so that in the walking the food tends to
Come down
Internal organs of the body