ch 14 (brain and cranial nerves) Flashcards
what are the two layers of the cranial dura mater?
periosteal layer (outer)
meningeal layer (inner)
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
clear, colorless liquid of mostly water that protects the brain and spinal cord from chemical and physical injury.
what are the 3 main functions of CSF?
1.) mechanical protection
2.) homeostasis
3.) circulation
what does the cerebellum do?
responsible for coordinating movement and balance.
what does the thalamus do?
acts as a relay center, processes and transmits sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex.
what does the occipital lobe do?
visual processes, language and reading, storing memories, recognizing faces (kat!)
what does the parietal do?
processes your senses from the body.
what does the temporal do?
processes auditory information, language and emotions.
what does the frontal do?
manages thinking, emotion, personality, judgement…
what does the pons do?
processes sleep-wake cycle and breathing.