Ch. 14 Flashcards
“Traditional” clinical monitors
- glucose monitor
- blood pressure
- heart rate
- eye exam
- otoscope
- endoscope
Molecular biological monitoring capabilities
- ELISA assay
- DNA analysis for PCR
- bacterial detection by quantum dot fluorescence
- on-screen diagnosis
Glucose monitor -
Reads blood test strips and attaches to a cell phone
Blood pressure -
This standard blood pressure cuff as used by doctors includes a connector to plug into a cell phone
Heart rate -
- a cell phone camera monitors how light reflects off of the face as blood flows through the vessels in the skin
- a more advanced approach is a device that attaches to the phone and performs an electrocardiogram
Eye exam -
A plastic eyepiece snaps onto a cell phone accompanied by an app that carries the user through diagnostic tests on the screen
Otoscope -
- this device is used to look inside ears and throat
- a cell phone attachment allows the user to take pictures inside the ear for transmission to a doctor.
Endoscope -
- endoscopes are devices to look inside the digestive tract
- they may be coupled to cell phones instead of regular cameras
ELISA assay -
- a miniature device based on microfluidics performs ELISA assays to detect virus components
- the data are transmitted to and analyzed by a cell phone via a wireless connection
DNA analysis for PCR -
A variety of modified and miniaturized devices that run PCR use the cell phone camera for recording the results and accompanying apps to analyze the data
Bacterial detection by quantum dot fluorescence
- a novel detection system for bacteria relies on antibodies and quantum dots to generate fluorescence upon detecting specific bacteria
- the cell phone camera monitors the fluorescence
On-screen diagnoses -
Touch screens are sufficiently sensitive to detect the presence of macromolecules in solution
What is a CoralBot?
- these robots, which are being developed in Scotland, work as a group and are programmed to detect damage, reattach broken coral fragments, and carry out other maintenance
- although such reefs are less famous than tropical coral reefs, the west coast of Scotland is bordered be plentiful coral reefs that provide homes for a variety of fish, including sharks.
What is a GasBot?
The GasBot is an autonomous robotic vehicle that detects and located leaks of the gas methane
How can radio waves influence cells?
- unlike visible light, radio waves readily pass through living tissue but are absorbed by many metals
- to take advantage of this, iron nanoparticles may be provided to the target cells or tissues
- when these cells or tissues absorb radio waves, heat is generated locally and may be used to trigger a variety or responses
- in particular, temperature-sensitive proteins may be coupled to the Fe nanoparticles
Study example in figure 14.4.
Radio waves used to control gene expression
- radio waves are absorbed and converted to heat by an iron oxide nanoparticle that is bound to the TRPV1 channel protein via an antibody that recognizes the Histag
- when TRPV1 is activated by the local heating, it allows calcium ions across the membrane into the cell
- in this experiment, the calcium is bound by the protein calcineurin, which activates the NFAT transcription factor by removal of phosphate groups
- the activated NFAT enters the nucleus, where it binds to the NFAT recognition sequence in the promoter of the engineered insulin gene
- this activates the transcription of the insulin gene
- the net result is increased production of insulin in response to radio waves
What is a cyborg?
Insect cyborgs consist of insects with inserted electrodes that allow their behavior to be remotely controlled. Using miniaturized components and harnessing metabolically generated energy are key factors for improved performance.
How can a cyborg get everything from organic host?
- at the anode of the fuel cell, two enzymes are used
- first, the enzyme trehalase splits trehalose into glucose, and then glucose oxidase oxidizes the glucose to gluconolactone
- at the cathode, the enzyme bilirubin oxidase converts oxygen to water
- the electrons flow from anode to cathode around a circuit coupled by osmium complexes that power the implanted electronic devices
Soft robotics is a subdivision of ___.
- soft robotics at microscopic level)
- both bacterial and animal flagella have been considered for conferring mobility on microscopic structures
- a sperm cell is trapped inside a metallic microtube. The sperm cell is used as a motor. The metallic microtubes are magnetic; consequently, external magnets can remotely control their direction
- at present, sperm-bots are experimental
- suggested uses include delivering drugs to specific locations or guiding specific sperm to a chosen egg cell. The speed are inherently harmless and provide their own power.
Biomimetics -
Imitation of biological structures in engineering