Ch 13 nerves of steel Flashcards
What is analgesia?
without pain - used to describe pain relief
receptors are spacial orientation or perception of movement receptors
Proprioceptive deficit?
lack of proprioception
- proprioceptive test - flip the foot
2nd largest part of the brain - coordinates muscle activity
What connects the cerebral hemispheres with the spinal cord and supports basic life?
brain stem
What part is the largest part and is responsible for receiving and processing information?
What is neuroanastomosis?
connecting nerves together
What is neuroplasty?
surgical repair of a nerve
surgical incision or dissection of a nerve
What is neurorraphy?
suturing the ends of a severed nerve
Encephal/o is the combining form for?
Reflex is?
is an automatic, involuntary response to change (stimulus)
Stimulus is?
something that excites or activates
Stimuli is?
multiple excitations or activations
absence of sensation
The pons is?
the bridge at the base of the brain that nerves cross over
The medulla oblongata is?
the cranial continuation of the spinal cord that controls basic life functions
What is nociceptive?
receptors are pain receptors