Negative stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination based on a person’s or group’s perceived chronological age.
The underrepresentation of older adults in advertising and educational materials.
Ageism by invisibility
The generation of Americans born between 1946 and 1964, a period of high birthrates.
Baby Boomers
The number of live births per 1,000 people in the population per calendar year.
Term used to describe individuals or couples who choose not to have children, to distinguish those from those who are involuntarily childless.
A condition in which children weigh less than they should for their age.
Child wasting
A condition in which a child is shorter than is typical for their age.
Child Stunting
Government or institutional policies that dictate how many children people should have by restricting access to resources.
Coercive family planning policies
A retirement plan in which retirees receive a specified annual amount until their death, typically calculated on the basis of their highest salary and the number of years they have worked for the employer.
Defined benefit plan
A retirement plan in which workers contribute money to 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts (IRAs), without any guarantee of what their future benefits will be. Employers may match worker’s contributions up to a certain percentage of income.
Defined contribution plan
A theory that attributes population growth patterns to changes in birthrates and death rates associated with the process of industrialization.
Demographic transition theory
The ratio of working-age adults (15 to 64) to adults aged 65 and older in a population.
Elderly support ratio
The movement of people out of one country or region to another.
The demands that humanity makes on the earth’s natural resources.
Environmental footprint
A situation in which people lack secure access to sufficient safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development and an active life.
Food insecure
The branch of medical care focused on health care for the elderly.
A measure of hunger in a country that takes into account four indicators related to hunger: undernourishment, child wasting, child stunting, and child mortality.
Global Hunger Index
A measure of the economic productivity of a country; the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year.
Gross domestic product
The movement of people into a country or region from another.
The number of deaths among children in the first year of life per 1,000 live births in a calendar year.
Infant mortality rate
The movement of people from one country or region to another; includes immigration and emigration.
The number of deaths per 1,000 people in the population per calendar year; sometimes referred to as the death rate.
Mortality rate
Continued population growth as a result of past high fertility rates that have resulted in a large number of young women who are currently entering their childbearing years.
Population momentum
The number of people added to the population in a year (e.g., births−deaths).
Population growth rate
A graph of a country’s or region’s population that represents the number of males and females in each age group with a bar.
Population pyramid
A cultural value that promotes having children.
The level of fertility at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next; currently, the number is 2.1 births per woman.
Replacement-level fertility
A generation of people who care for their aging parents while also taking care of their own children.
Sandwich generation
Also called “Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance,” a federal program that protects against loss of income due to retirement, disability, or death.
Social Security
The average lifetime number of births per woman in a population.
Total fertility rates
Having a caloric intake that is insufficient to meet minimum energy requirements.
Underrepresentation of older adults in the media or representation in prejudiced or stereotypical ways.
Visual ageism
A theory arguing that wealth and power are divided unequally among the core countries, periphery countries, and semi-periphery countries in the world.
World System Theory