Ch 12 Biodiverstity Flashcards
What is conservation
Conservation is the protection of plants, animals and natural areas from the damaging effects of human activity.
Biodiversity means the variety of living things.
Why do we need conservation
prevent organisms from becoming extinct, many organisms are facing this threat
To maintain the balance of nature
• Future generations have the right to the same natural resources as are found at present, e.g. the world would be a poorer place if elephants, tigers, corncrakes etc.
• Plants are the source of many medicines
• If our natural resources are not protected there is a danger that human lifestyles would be at risk.
Why do we need conservation
prevent organisms from becoming extinct, many organisms are facing this threat
To maintain the balance of nature
• Future generations have the right to the same natural resources as are found at present, e.g. the world would be a poorer place if elephants, tigers, corncrakes etc.
• Plants are the source of many medicines
• If our natural resources are not protected there is a danger that human lifestyles would be at risk.
How can we support conservation
• Making themselves aware of the issues
• Joining conservation groups
• Refusing to join in any activity that threatens conservation
• Refusing to buy products that have been sourced unethically.
Main causes for loss of biodiversity
Human population, pollution, INVASIVE SPEICES, climate change, habitat loss
How to reduce pollution
Waste management; reduce, reuse, recycle
There are two possible ways to produce more food:
• Convert more land to growing crops
• Increase the yield of crops grown on present farm land.
What is ‘the rate of reaction’
The rate of a chemical reaction tells us how quickly a chemical reaction happens.
What is the particle theory
The rate of a reaction simply depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other.
What happens when you stir the solution
Rate of reaction increase
What happens to the rate of reaction as you increase the temperature?
When you raise the temperature the particles have more energy so they move around more quickly. This results in more collisions in a certain time, and so reactions get faster as we raise the temperature.
What is the surface area
Surface area is the measure of how much surface (of the reactants) is exposed
What is the surface area
Surface area is the measure of how much surface (of the reactants) is exposed