Ch. 11: Gender Flashcards
What’s the difference between sex and gender?
Sex refers to biological identity; gender is a socially constructed identity
What is an intersex person?
A person born with the physical characteristics of both sexes
Gender is a __________ construction.
Define biological determinism.
Explanations that attribute complex social phenomena to physical characteristics.
What is gender socialization?
When men and women learn the expectations of their sex
Define gender identity.
One’s definition of oneself as a woman or man
What are transgender people?
People who live as a gender different from that to which they were assigned at birth
What are the agents of gender socialization?
Family, peers, children’s play schooling religious training, mass media, and popular culture
What is homophobia?
The fear and hatred of gays and lesbians
What are gendered institutions?
The total pattern of gender relations that structure social institutions
Define gender stratification.
The hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender
What is gender apartheid?
Extreme segregation and exclusion of women from public life
What is a patriarchy?
A society or group in which men have power over women.
What is a matriarchy?
A society or group in which women have power over men.
What is the Equal Pay Act of 1963?
The first legislation requiring equal pay for equal work
Describe human capital theory.
The belief that there is gender differences in wages because individual characteristics that workers bring to jobs
Describe the dual labor market theory.
The idea that men and women earn different amounts because they tend to work in different segments of the labor market
What is gender segregation?
The distribution of men and women in different jobs in the labor force.
What is one of the biggest challenges that LGBTQ people have to face at work?
“Managing” their identities
What do functionalists say about gender?
Men fill instrumental roles while women fill expressive roles
What do conflict theorists say about gender?
Women are disadvantaged because men hold all the power and resources
According to feminist theorists, what is “doing gender?”
The idea that gender is something that is accomplished through the ongoing social interactions people have with each other
What is the weakness of “doing gender?”
It does not explain the structural basis of women’s oppression
Describe queer theory.
Sexual identity is socially constructed; sex and gender are not binary opposites
What is feminism?
A way of thinking and acting that advocates a more just society for women
Describe liberal feminism.
The origin of women’s inequality is in traditions of the past that pose barriers to women’s advancement.
Describe radical feminism.
The reason of women inequality is the power men hold in society.
What is multiracial feminism?
Similar to intersectional theory; centers its analysis in the experiences of all women, including those of different race, class, etc.
What is Title IX?
Legislation that prohibits schools that receive federal funds from discriminating based on gender.
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, etc.