CH. 11 - Adaptations to aerobic and Anaerobic Training Flashcards
Cardiovascular adaptations to exercise training
SV increases after training
- > resting, sub-maximal and maximal
- > plasma vol increases w/training - > inc EDV - > inc preload
resting (and sub-maximal) HR decreases with training
- > LV mass increases w/training - > incr. force of contraction
SV adaptations to training decreases with age
how is resting, submax, and maximal HR impacted by exercise training
- > decreases markedly (around 1bpm/week of training)
- > inc parasymp respose, decr symp
- > aerobic training results in a lower HR at any absolute exercise intensity
- > a trained heart performs less work than an untrained heart at the same absolute workload
- > a persons max HR tends to be stable and typically remains relatively unchanged after endurance training; HOWEVER, studies show that untrained ppl who reached above 180BPM max HR might lower their max value with training
- > at maximal/near maximal intensities, HR may change to provide the optimal combination of HR and SV to maximize cardiac output Q*
how is HR recovery impacted my exercise training
- > faster recover w/training
- > HR returns to normal levels faster w/training
- > this is an indirect index of cardiorespiratory fitness
how is cardiac output impacted by exercise training
while SV increases with training, HR generally decreases at rest and during exercise at a given absolute intensity
Q at rest and submaximal exercise does not change but maximal cardiac output increases considerably with training
4 factors that account for the enhanced blood flow to muscles (related to Q)
increased capilarization
- > capillary-to-fibre ratio (increase in capillaries per muscle fibre)
- > inc cross-sectional area for capillary exchange
greater recruitment of existing capillaries
- > may be a fey factor in VO2 max
more effective blood flow redistribution away from inactive regions
increased total blood volume
how are muscle fibre types impacted by exercise training
- > size and # of type 1 fibres increase (type 2 - > type 1)
- > type 2x may perform more like 2a
how is myoglobin content effected by training
endurance training has been shown to increase muscle myoglobin content by 75-80%
- > this adaptation clearly supports a muscles increased capacity for oxidative metabolism after training
how is mitochondrial function impacted by training
increase in size and #
- > magnitude of change depends of training volume
how are mitochondrial oxidative enzymes impacted by training
specialized proteins that catabolize the breakdown of nutrients to form ATP
- > activity increases with training
- > continues to increase even after VO2 max plateaux
- > enhanced glycogen sparing (one metabolic consequence of mitochondrial changes induced by aerobic training)
*a slower rate of utilization of muscle glucose and enhanced reliance on fat as a fuel source
how does lactate threshold adapt with training
with training
- > threshold will increase to higher percentage of VO2max
- > decrease lactate production, increase lactate clearance
- > allows higher intensity without accumulation
how is RER affected by training
RER = respiratory exchnage rate: ratio of carbon to oxygen
- > after trainng, RER decreases at both absolute and relative submaximal intensities
- > increase dependance on fat, decrease dependance on glucose
how are resting, submaximal, and maxiam VO2 values affected by training
- > resting VO2 unchanged with training
- > submaximal VO2 unchanged or decrease slightly with training
maximal VO2 (VO2max)
- > best indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness
- > increases substantially with training (15-20%)
- > increase due to increase cardiac output and capillary density
long term metabolic improvements due to training
- > highest possible VO2 max achieved after 12-18 months
- > performance continues to increase after VO2 max plateaus because lactate threshold continues to increase with training
adaptations to anaerobic training
changes in aerobic power and capacity
- > wingate anaerobic test closest to gold standard for anaerobic power test
- > anaerobic power and capacity increase with training
Adaptations in muscle
- > increase in type 2a, 2x cross sectional area (and type 1 but in a lesser extant)
- > decrease in percent of type 1 fibres, increase % of type 2
ATP-PCr system
- > little enzymatic changes with trainign
- > ATP-PCr system-specific training = strength increase
Glycolytic system
- > increase in key glycolytic enzyme activity with training (phosphoryase, LDH, PFK, hexokinase)
- > however, performance gains from increase in strength
adaptations to HIIT training
HIIT: time efficient way to induce many adaptations normally associated with endurance training
- > mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (COX) increases same after HIIT vs traditional moderate intensity endurance training
specificity of training and cross training
Specificity of training
- > VO2 max substantially higher in athletes sport specific activity
- > likely due to individual muscle group adaptations
Cross training
- > training different fitness component at once or training for more than one sport at once
- > strength benefits blunted by endurance training
- > endurance benefits not blunted by strength training