Ch 10 Project Communications Management Flashcards
Push Communication Method
A one-way method of communication for the purposes of disemminating information (e.g., emails, memos, press releases, status reports)
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Project Reporting
A tool that creates reports about the project to satisfy the needs of the stakeholders; generally include actual work vs. planned work and how the work is progressing
Includes performance of the scope, time, and quality; other reports contain information about EVM, risk, comms issues, and completion status
A tool used to help execute the Manage Communications process (Communications/Executing)
Interactive Communication Method
A multi-directional (two-way (or more)) method of direct communication (e.g., meetings, video conferencing, IM-ing)
Most effective method of communication
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Monitor Communications
The process of comparing the actual communications of the project to the communications management plan and determining if it needs changes
Knowledge Area: Communications
Process Group: Monitoring & Controlling
Inputs: None
Tools: None
Outputs: None
Either confirmation from the receiver to the sender that information was received and understood, or a request for clarification
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Nonverbal Communication
Body language, such as hand motions and expressions; about 55% of communication is done this way
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Communication Blocker
Anything that negatively affects the sender sending or the receiver receiving the information, such as noise (e.g., physical noise, preconceived ideas, sarcasm)
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Pull Communication Method
A one-way method of communication in which the sender provides the information in a central place where the receiver(s) can access it (e.g., e-learning, intranet sites, SharePoint libraries)
This method is generally used for a large audence to access information
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Plan Communications Management
The process of developing the communications management plan, which will document how communications will be managed and controlled
Knowledge Area: Communications
Process Group: Planning
- Stakeholder Register
- Communication Requirements Analysis
- Communication Channels
- Communication Models
- Communication Methods
- Communications Management Plan
Project Communications
Communicating according to the communication management plan; this can include giving out the performance reports, holding meetings, making conference calls, or sending e-mails
An output of the Manage Communications process (Communications/Excecuting)
Project Communication Management
Knowledge area regarding the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate planning, collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval management, control, monitoring, and the ultimate disposition of project information
90% of a PM’s daily tasks involve communicating internally or externally on a project; important to set communication expectations, identify the communication needs of all the stakeholders on the project and ensure they are met
Person or group getting information
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Communications Management Plan
The management plan that documents how communication will be done on the project, specifically how to conduct the other two communication processes: Manage Communications and Monitor Communications
This plan states how and when the stakeholders will be engaged, whereas the Stakeholder Engagement Plan states why the stakeholder engagements are necessary
The plan should include:
- Who needs what type of information?
- Why do they need it?
- When do they need it?
- How do they want it?
- How would they get it?
- Who would give it to them?
An output of the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
An input to the:
- Develop Project Management Plan process (Integration/Planning)
- Manage Stakeholder Engagement process (Stakeholder/Executing)
Communication Channel Formula
A method of analyzing communication requirements for a project
A channel is a link between stakeholders where communications might be needed
Number of channels on the project = N (N-1) / 2
A tool used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)

Communication Model
The overall exchange of information; all models have a sender and receiver
The sender is responsible to ensure that the receiver understands the information
A tool used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Communication Types
The four types of communication are:
- Informal Written (emails, texts, notes)
- Informal Verbal (meetings, conversations, phone calls)
- Formal Written (agreements, PM plans, charters)
- Formal Verbal (presentations, speeches)
When updating the customers on the status of the project, you may do a formal verbal presentation
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Manage Communications
The process of executing / following the communications management plan
Knowledge Area: Communications
Process Group: Executing
- Work Performance Reports
- Project Management Information System (PMIS)
- Project Reporting
- Project Communications
Person or group sending information
A communication concept used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communications/Planning)
Ease of Use
Using communication techology that makes communicating easy
A tool used to help execute the Plan Communications Management process (Communication/Planning)