Ch. 10 Nervous System Flashcards
Afferent nerve
carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord (sensory nerve)
Arachnoid membrane
middle layer of the three meninges that surround the brain and spinal cord
Autonomic nervous system
nerves the control involuntary body functions of muscles, glands, and internal organs
Cauda equina
collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord
posterior part of the brain that coordinates the muscle movements and maintains balance
largest part of the brain; responsible for voluntary muscular activity, vision, speech, taste, hearing, thought, and memory
Dura mater
thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord
Efferent nerve
carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord (motor nerve)
portion of the brain beneath the thalamus; controls sleep, appetite, body temperature, and secretions from the pituitary gland
Medulla oblongata
part of the brain just above the spinal cord; controls breathing, heartbeat, and the size of blood vessels
Three protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord
Parasympathetic nerves
involuntary; autonomic nerves that regulate normal body functions such as heart rate, breathing, and muscles of the gastrointestinal tract
Pia mater
thin, delicate inner membrane of the meninges
Sciatic nerve
nerve extending from the base of the spine down the thigh, lower leg, and foot
Sympathetic nerves
autonomic nerves that influence bodily functions involuntarily in times of stress