Ch 10 Flashcards
Pattern of excessive or harmful use any substance For mood altering purposes
Substance abuse
A condition in which cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms contribute to the continued use of alcohol or drugs despite significant substance related problems
Substance use disorder
A substance that alters mood, thought processes, or other psychological states
Psychoactive substance
I condition involving problem behaviors or psychological changes that occur with excessive substance use
Compulsive drug seeking behavior in the loss of control over drug use
The adverse physical and psychological symptoms that occur after reducing or ceasing intake of a substance
A state of adaptation that occurs after chronic exposure to a substance; can result in craving in withdrawal symptoms
Physiological dependence
Decreases in the effects of a substance that occur after chronic use
A substance that causes a slowing of responses in generalized depression of the central nervous system
A lower risk pattern of alcohol intake (no more than one or two drinks per day)
Moderate drinking
Alcohol intake of more than two drinks per day for mean you’re more than one drink per day for women
Heavy drinking
Episodic intake of five or more alcoholic beverages for men or four or more drinks for women
Binge drinking
Toxic effects resulting from rapidly consuming alcohol or ingesting a large quantity of alcohol; can result in impaired breathing, coma, and death
Alcohol poisoning
A condition in which the individual is dependent on alcohol and have difficulty controlling drinking
Restraint from the use of alcohol, drugs, or other addictive substances
A pain killing agent that depresses the central nervous system, such as heroin and prescription pain relievers
A substance that leads to the use of additional substances that are even more lethal
Gateway drug
A class of drugs that have a calming or sedating
A class of medications to induce sleep
A class of medications that reduce
A substance that energizes the central nervous system
A substance that induces perceptual Distortions and heightens sensory awareness
A substance that produces a dream like detachment
Dissociative anesthetic
Significantly elevated body temperature
A personality trait associated with rebelliousness, novelty seeking, risk-taking, and impulsivity
Behavioral undercontrol
The phase of alcohol or drug treatment during which the body is purged of intoxicating substances
A return to drug or alcohol use after a period of abstinence
The ability of the brain to change its structure and function in response to experience
A therapeutic approach that addresses ambivalence and helps clients consider manages in disadvantages of changing their behavior
Motivational enhancement therapy
Consuming no more than a predetermined amount of alcohol
Controlled drinking