Ch. 1 Introduction To Flight Training Flashcards
Includes a sound knowledge of and experience with the principles of flight, the knowledge, experience, and ability to operate an airplane with competence and precision both on the ground and in the air, and the application of sound judgment that results in optimal operational safety and efficiency.
Purpose of flight training
is to develop the knowledge, experience, skills, and safe habits that establish a foundation and are easily transferable to any airplane.
Role of the FAA
to promote aviation safety by prescribing safety standards for civil aviation.
It is issued for aircraft type certificated in the normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter or transport category, and for manned free balloons.
A standard airworthiness certificate.
What part of 14 CFR allows the issuance of AD’s?
Part 39
Which part of 14 CFR identifies the requirements for the identification of aircraft, engines, propellers, certain replacement and modification parts, and the nationality and registration marking required on U.S.registered aircraft.
Part 45
Which part of 14 CFR prescribes rules governing the maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration of any aircraft having a U.S. airworthiness certificate. It also applies to the airframe, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, and component parts of such aircraft.
Part 43
Which part of 14 CFR outlines aircraft certifications and equipment requirements for the operation of aircraft in U.S. airspace. It also prescribes rules governing maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations. It also mentions records of maintenance and inspections.
Part 91
Which part of 14 CFR pertains to the certification of pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors.
Part 61
Which part of 14 CFR prescribes the medical standards and certification procedures for issuing medical certificates for airmen and for remaining eligible for a medical certificate.
Part 67
Which part of 14 CFR contains general operating and flight rules. The section is broad in scope and provides general guidance in the areas of general flight rules, visual flight rules (VFR), instrument flight rules (IFR)?
Part 91
Who within the FAA sets the aviation standards for airmen and aircraft operations in the United States and for American airmen and aircraft around the world.
Flight Standards Service (AFS)
Who is the interface between AFS and the aviation community/ general public?
The local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)
Who is responsible for the certification and surveillance of air carriers, air operators, flight schools/training centers, airmen (pilots, flight instructors, mechanics and other certificate holders). Additional duties that are tasked to them is accident investigation and enforcement actions.
Local FSDO
A private citizen who is designated as a representative of the FAA Administrator to perform specific (but limited) pilot certification tasks on behalf of the FAA and may charge a reasonable fee for doing so.
Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)
Most midair collisions happen when and where?
Daytime in VFR conditions within 5 miles of an airport or NAVAID.
How should you scan for traffic?
In 10 degree segments lasting for 1 second each.
What does it mean if another aircraft has no apparent motion?
It’s on a collision course with you.
Any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person, or object on the ground that creates a collision hazard or results in a loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, landing, or intending to land.
Runway Incursion
The key to stall awareness is:
The pilot’s ability to visualize the wing’s AOA in any particular circumstance.
A memory aid and helps to ensure that critical items necessary for the safe operation of aircraft are not overlooked or forgotten.
A checklist is not a:
“Do list”. It is there to check that you have performed the correct actions for a given procedure or task.