CFRE Speak Flashcards
Vocab & definitions
Any individual who works without compensation on behalf of an organization or cause, whether temporarily or on a relatively continuous basis
An assessment of the financial capacity, stage of life, and the liquidy of a donor’s assets
Annual Report
A review of the revenue, expenditures, program results and general state of the organization over the previous 12 months
a provision made in a donor’s will, thorugh which a organization recieves cash and/or other assets at the time of the donor’s death
A fundraising structure that has a focus on an organization’s needs, targets all constituencies, uses an intensive time frame, extensive promotion and ultimately seeks monetary success
Capital Campaign
A campaign to raise substantial funds for a nonprofit organization to finance major building projects, to supplement endowment funds and to meet other needs demanding extensive outlays of capital.
The combination of reasons advanced by an institution or agency in justifying its appeals for support, with emphasis on its past, present and potential services. One of the three basic pedestals upon which fundraising success must rest. The others are leadership and fields of support
Case Statement (formal definition)
A written version of the case for a specific constituency or campaign, derived from the organization’s overall case
Case Statment (informal defintion)
A persuasive tool often used in fundraising
Cause Marketing
When a company provides dollars to a nonprofit organization in direct proportion to the number of individual purchases of the company’s product or services during a defined peroid of time
Charitable gift annuity
a legal contract between the donor and the org, though which the donor exchanges cash, stocks, or other assets for an agreed-upon income for life
Charitable lead trust
Established by a donor transferring assets to a trust that provides income to a nonprofit org for an individual’s life or for a peroid of years or combo, at the end of that peroid, the trust assets revert either to the donor (grantor) or to someone the donor designates (non-grantor)
Charitable Remainder Trust
used by donors to transfer assets to a trust, which then goes to the org after the death of the last beneficiary or the end of the term of years. The donor retains a fixed or variable income for life or for a term of years
A two-way transmission of information, thought, or feeling so that is is satisfactorily received and understood
Donor Intent
The expectation of how a gift will be used and what outcomes may be expected from the use of the gift
Donor Rating
The financial range of gifts that a donor will reasonably consider
Endowment Gifts
Donations of cash, investment funds, or property to an organization for the purpose of investing the principle while using the dividends or other resulting investment income for charitable purposes
The combination of concern, excitement, motivation, and engagement an individual has for your organization’s mission
Life estate contract
an agreement established by donors transferring a deed of real property to an org while reserving for themselves and/or someone else the right to live on or use the property for life. Must be either personal residence or farm to be deductible.
Life Insurance
A contract between an individual and an insurance company, providing a payment to the individual estate or to named beneficiaries at the individuals death. A charity can be a named beneficiary.
The connections a donor or prospect has to your organization and/or its mission. Ex: experience (former alum, program participant), connections with people (friend, relative, colleaguge), shared values (advocacy, stage of life) and personal history.
The number of years a donor has been giving
Market Research (formal definition)
The process of gathering, recording, and analyzing information pertaining to the marketing of goods and services
Market research (informal definition)
The process of finding out the wants and needs of current and potential markets