Self-awareness is –
an awareness of one’s own personality, which includes knowing what your strengths, weakness, and blind spot.
Define Blind spots
refers to an aspect of our personality that is not known to self, but is apparent to others.
___________ is the ability to express one’s own strengths, feelings, and beliefs in a manner that is considerate to the abilities, thoughts, and feelings of others.
What does (KAI) stand for?
Kirton’s Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI)
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what are the characteristics of Adaptors?
Prefer to solve problems in a structured and methodical manner. Creativity is exercised “inside the box.”
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what are the characteristics of Innovators?
Prefer to solve problems in a manner that is less concerned with structure and details. Creativity is exercised “outside the box.”
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what are the characteristics of Bridger?
A person willing to help others understand the cognitive approach between those being bridged through interpersonal skills, active listening, and effective questioning techniques.
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what is Style?
Refers to “how we think,” our preferred cognitive approach to problem-solving and decision making.
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what is Problem A?
This is the “actual problem” that two or more individuals come together to solve.
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what is Problem B?
This encompasses all of the problems (team dynamics, interpersonal skills, communication, collaboration, etc.) that stem, from “human interaction.” Problem B’s steal time and energy from the efforts needed to solve Problem A.
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what is Motive?
An emotional, desire, or physiological need that causes one to take action.
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what is
An appropriate or favorable time, occasion, or situation favorable for attainment of a goal.
Give some examples of Adaptors Tendencies:
- Prefer more structure
- Improve or extend the paradigm in order to solve problems
- Use rules to solve problems
- Bring order out of turbulence
- Revitalize current systems for tomorrow
- Work within the system to bring about new improvement, ideas, and greater efficiencies
Give some examples of Innovators Tendencies:
- Prefer less structure
- Challenge or break the paradigm in order to solve problems
- May break the rules to solve problems
- Catalyze the necessary turbulence.
- Help create break from worn-out systems
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, Cognitive Gap?
1) There are two forms of cognitive gap. The first form is the distance between one’s preferred style and the behavior actually needed in a particular situation (i.e. the distance between ones preferred style and his/her task).
2) The second form is the distance in a social interaction between the preferred styles of two people, a person and a group, or between two groups.
In regards to Kirton’s adaptive-innovative theory, what is coping behavior?
Coping behavior helps some individuals deal with stressful situations but, coping comes at a cost.