Cervical and Thoracic Spine Anatomy Flashcards
Define and demonstrate:
- Features of cervical vertebrae and joints
- Features of thoracic vertebrae, ribs, their articulation and relevant anatomy of spinal nerves
and vascular structures
How many vertebrae are there in the vertebral column?
And what connects them?
- 33
- Synovial facet joints
- Secondary cartilaginous intervertebral discs
- Ligaments.
What are the 5 different regions of the spine in Descending order?
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Sacral
- Coccygeal
What are the 3 meninges that cover the spinal cord?
Going from inner most –> outermost
- Pia matter
- Arachnoid matter
- Dura matter
Where is the cerebral spinal fluid?
In the spaces between the meninges.
- Subarachnoid space (double check if this is right)
At the lower border of the L2 vertebrae, the spinal cord tapers to from what structure?
- Conus medullaris
At the level of Conus medullaris the spinal nerves bunch together and form what structure?
- Cauda Equina
Latin for: tail horse
In the cervical region, how many vertebrae and paired cervical spinal nerves are there?
- 7 vertebrae
- 8 paired cervical spinal nerves
How many paired Thoracic spinal nerves are there in the thoracic region?
- 12
How many paired Lumbar spinal nerves are there in the Lumbar region?
- 5
How many paired Sacral spinal nerves are there in the sacral region?
- 5
How many paired Coccygeal spinal nerves are there in the coccygeal region?
- 1
The facet joint between the superior and inferior articular processes on the spinal vertebrae, is a synovial joint. This joint forms a foramen which the spinal nerve roots pass through.
What else also passes through this foramen?
- Spinal artery
- Communicating veins
- Recurrent meningeal nerves
- Transforaminal ligaments
What is the C1 vertebrae also known as?
- Atlas
What is the C2 vertebrae also known as?
- Axis
What are 3 distinguishing features of Cervical vertebrae?
They have:
- Foramen transversarium (which allow vertebral artery, vein and sympathetic nerves to pass through)
- Triangular vertebral foramen. (general shape it looks triangular)
- Bifid spinous process, (the spinous process is forked)
Which Cervical vertebrae are atypical (don’t follow the rules of the others)
- C1
- C2
- C7; has a long non-bifid spinous process
How does the Atlas interact with the base of the skull?
The Atlas has superior articular facets that interact and form a joint with the occipital condyles on the base of the skull. This joint is involved in the yes nodding motion of the head.
How does the Axis interact with the Atlas?
It has superior articular factettes, which form a joint with the inferior articular joints of the Atlas.
Also, the odontoid process aka Dens rises superiorly from the internal part of the posterior arch on the Axis, passes up the vertebral foramen above the Atlas, and allows for the No head movement.
The joints present in the Cervical region can be split into 2 groups;
- Present throughout the vertebral column.
- Unique to Cervical region.
What joints are present in the cervical region that are also present throughout the vertebral column.
The joints;
- Between vertebral bodies, adjacent vertebrae are joined by intervertebral discs. This is a type of cartilaginous joint known as a symphysis/ secondary cartilaginous joint.
- Between vertebral arches - by the articulation of superior and inferior articular processes from adjacent vertebrae. It’s a type of synovial joint.
What joints are unique to the cervical region?
- Atlanto-occipital joints (there’s 2)
- Atlanto-axial joints (x3)
What ligaments are present in the cervical region and also are found throughout the vertebral column?
- Anterior longitudinal ligament
- Posterior longitudinal ligament
- Ligametum flavum
- Interspinous ligament
- Supraspinous ligament
- Intertransverse ligament
What ligaments are unique to the cervical region?
- Nuchal ligament
- Transverse ligament of the Atlas along its longitudinal fibres
- Alar ligament
- Apical ligament
What 2 injuries are associated with the cervical spine?
- Vertebral artery dissection/damage (quite rare, Google Phillip Hughes cricket player who died in 2014)
- Whiplash injury.
(See LC at 18:35 for more explicit detail)
How many vertebrae are present in the Thoracic spine?
- 12
What are the typical features of the Thoracic vertebrae?
- Demi-facets on the side of vertebral body (on vertebrae T1, 10, 11, 12 have completed costal facets on the bodies for the ribs 1, 10, 11, 12.)
- Costal facets on the transverse process (except T11, 12.)
- Vertical superior and inferior articular facets.
- The vertebral body is heart shaped.
Which Thoracic vertebrae are Atypical and in what way?
- T1;
Has a complete costal facet on the vertebral body - T10;
Has a complete costal facet on the vertebral body - T11;
Has a complete costal facet on the vertebral body.
As well as no facet on transverse process
- T12;
Has a complete costal facet on the vertebral body
As well as no facet on transverse process
How do ribs articulate with the Thoracic vertebrae?
- Articular facets (superior, inferior and transverse facets)
- Costal groove.
See LC at 24:00 to see how the ribs articulate.
Joints of the vertebral column that are present in the Thoracic region?
- Between vertebral bodies by intervertebral discs - symphysis / secondary cartilaginous.
- Between vertebral arches (facet joints), synovial type joint.
What joints are unique to the Thoracic spine?
- Costovertebral joint
- Costotransverse joint
(Both joints are joints of the thoracic cage)
What are the joints of the thoracic cage?
There’s quite a few
Between ribs and vertebra
• Costovertebral and costotransverse
Between ribs and costal cartilage
• Costochondral
Between costal cartilage and sternum
• Sternochondral/sternocostal
Between costal cartilages
• Interchondral
Between parts of sternum
• Manubriosternal and xiphisternal joints
What ligaments are present in thoracic spine and the rest of the vertebral column?
- Anterior longitudinal ligament • Posterior longitudinal ligament • Ligamentum flavum • Interspinous ligament • Supraspinous ligament • Intertransverse ligament
What ligaments are unique to the thoracic spine?
- Radiate ligament
- Costotransverse ligament
- Lateral costotransverse ligament
- Superior costotransverse ligament
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