Cerebral Cortex Organisation Flashcards
Which lobes does the central sulcus divide?
Frontal from Parietal
Which lobes does the lateral sulcus divide?
Frontal and Parietal from Temporal
What are the two frontal sulci?
Superior Frontal Sulci Inferior Frontal Sulci
Which gyri do the frontal sulci separate?
Superior Frontal Gyrus Middle Frontal Gyrus Inferior Frontal Gyrus
What are the two temporal sulci?
Superior Temporal Sulci Inferior Temporal Sulci
Which gyri do the temporal sulci separate?
Superior Temporal Gyrus Middle Temporal Gyrus Inferior Temporal Gyrus
Which gyrus does the collateral sulcus run along side?
Parahippocampal gyrus
Which lobe does the calcarine sulcus divide?
Occipital lobe
Which sulcus separates the parietal and occipital lobes?
Parieto- Occipital Sulcus
Structures in the brain that are C-Shaped?
Ventricular system Caudate nucleus Cingulate Gyrus Hippocampus/ Fornix
What are Brodmann Areas an example of and how many are there?
Cortical localisation- specific areas of Cerebral cortex carry out specific functions 46 Brodmann areas
Where does the cingulate gyrus run?
Along the outside of the corpus callosum Sweeps round to join the Parahippocampal Gyrus
Where is the Cingulate Gyrus continuous with the Parahippocampal Gyrus?
Which lobe does the Cingulate Gyrus form?
Limbic Lobe (may also include the Parahippocampal gyrus and other smaller lobes)
Which sulcus marks the Limbic Lobe?
Cingulate Sulcus
Where is the Isthmus located?
Posterior to the Splenium of the Corpus Callosum
What type of fibres run in the Cingulate Gyrus and what is their function?
Association fibres Take information from all lobes and pass them to the hippocampus- associates actions with memory
Where is the hippocampus located?
Temporal lobe
What is the function of the Hippocampus?
Associates memories with previous actions and experiences
Which conditions are associated with the Hippocampus/Limbic System?
Schizophrenia Depression
What is the function of the Primary Projection Sensory areas?
Sensory pathways terminate here
Where is the Primary Somaesthetic Cortex located?
Post-Central Gyrus
Where is the Primary Visual Cortex located?
Either side of Calcarine sulcus
Another name for Primary Visual Cortex?
Striate Cortex
Location of Primary Auditory Cortex
Superior Temporal Gyri (Heschl’s Gyrus)
Location of Primary Olfactory Cortex
Uncus of parahippocampal gyrus
What is special about the olfactory cortex?
Receives information directly- only sense not to transmit via the Thalamus
Location of Primary Gustatory Cortex
Inferior Post Central Gyrus (behind Primary Somaesthetic)
Function of Primary Projection Motor cortex
Area of origin for specific motor pathways
Location of Primary Motor Cortex
Pre Central Gyrus
Features of the Cortical Homonculus
Somatotopically organised Some areas receive more neurons than others
Function of Association /Secondary Sensory areas
Receive their input from the primary sensory area Involved in Interpretation and understanding of the information
What is Agnosia?
Damage to the Sensory Associaion areas
Features of agnosia?
Sensation exists, but with no significance
Location of Association Somaesthetic Cortex?
Superior Parietal lobe
Location of Visual Association cortex
Pre Striate Area (beside each primary area)
Location of Auditory Association Area
Lateral Fissure/Superior Temporal Lobe
Which two senses do not have an association area?
Olfactory Gustatory
Function of Motor Association/Secondary Areas?
Organise patterns of movement by outputting to primary motor areas
Location of Pre-motor area
LATERALLY Anterior to Pre-Central Gyrus
Location of Supplementary Motor Area
MEDIALLY Anterior to Pre-Central Gyrus
Location of Frontal Eye Field
Anterior to Pre-Motor Area
What is Apraxia?
Damage to Motor Association Areas
Features of Apraxia?
Inability to carry out learned, organised movements
Function of General Association Cortices?
Linking and integrating complex aspects of intellectual functioning
Two general association cortices?
Parieto-Temporal Cortex Pre-Frontal Cortex
Function of Parieto-Temporal Cortex?
Memory Integration of different information modalities
Function of Pre-Frontal Cortex?
Regulation of moods, feelings decisions Higher order cognitive function (planing, judgement, conceptualisation) Sweeps round the sensory, visual, auditory areas to gather this info
Features of the dominant hemisphere?
Distinct Higher Order Functions 2 Specialist language areas
Function of Broca’s (ANTERIOR) Area

Speech Production (Motor, expressive)
Damage to Broca’s Area
Expressive Aphasia Inability to correctly articulate speech
Function of Wernicke’s (POSTERIOR) Area

Speech Understanding (Sensory, receptive)
What is the Non-Dominant Hemisphere concerned with?
Spatial Awareness
What is special about the auditory association area?
Its specialised in one hemisphere for linguistic function