Ceramics A - Quiz 1 Flashcards
What is plasticity?
Ability to stretch, and hold the shape it is stretched into
What is clay? (2)
Rock that has been compressed in the ground; particles are flat
Made up of silica (which melts) and alumina (which allows it to melt at a low temp.)
Why does clay have plasticity?
Clay has plasticity because their particles are flat and stick together when wet
Who were the first people in MN to make clay pots? When did they exist?
The woodlands
500 B.C. - A.D. 1000
What kind of clay do we use? What are their properties? (5)
- low fire
- smooth
- shrinks 10-15% after fired
- somewhat fragile/breakable
Why do we wedge clay?
To remove air pockets and mix the clay to make it consistent
At what temperature does our clay become mature?
Cone 06 - 1800 degrees Fahrenheit
What are the 5 stages of wetness/dryness that our clay goes through? (5)
- Plastic clay
- Leather hard clay
- Bone dry clay
- Bisque firing / bisque ware
- Glaze / glaze firing / glaze ware
What stage of clay is recyclable? (3)
Plastic clay
Leather hard clay
Bone dry clay
Which stage of clay is permanent? (2)
Bisque ware and glaze ware
What stage of clay is best for joining?
Leather hard clay
What stage of clay is ready to be fired for the first time?
Bone dry clay
What machine do we fire our pots in?
The kiln
What machine recycled our clay?
The pugger
What 3 things do you do when joining two pieces of clay? (3)
What are the 7 parts of a pot? (7)
- Belly
- Shoulder
- Body
- Foot
- Neck
- Lip
- Mouth
What could make your pot blow up in the kiln?
Too much heat
Form (2)
A 3-D shape (height/width/depth)
Geometric, organic, or a combination
Plane (2)
Flat 2-D shape
When put together, the make forms
Line (3)
A 1-D mark that leads the eye
Can be actual (drawn or sculpted) or implied (by repeating things in a row)
The line of a pot or a thin handle could be a line
Space (3)
Gaps or emptiness in, around, or through an object
Space draws your eye into the piece
Can make an object more interactive, by allowing your hand to grasp a handle
Texture (2)
An applied pattern that you can feel
Texture is meant to enhance a surface and add interest
Value (2)
Highlights and shadows that make parts of a piece seem to stand out or fall back
Adds interest to a surface, and always accompanies texture
Color (2)
Color is either inherent (natural color of material) or applied (added later) to enhance the piece
Engobes, underglazes, and overgrazes all should be used intelligently to enhance the form of the pot
Elements of art (7)
Form Plane Line Space Texture Value Color
When one or more elements are repeated throughout a work of art, to make it feel in harmony with itself and complete
Variety (2)
(Contrast) when one or more elements are purposely very different from each other
Contrast creates interest by breaking up unity
Pattern (2)
When one element is used repeatedly as a design
Extreme use of pattern creates unity
Emphasis (2)
When one element purposely stands out more than all of the others, and so it catches your eye
Focal point of piece
Movement (2)
When one or more elements leads you eye in, around, or through a piece
Movement is closely associated with the element of line
Proportion (2)
When elements are sized properly for the overall form
Can be played with to created emphasis
Principles of design (6)
Unity Variety (contrast) Pattern Emphasis Movement Proportion