It is the means by which these activities occur, it is the cement that binds together communities and their activities.
Because of its pervasive nature, occupies a central position in the fabric of a modern-day urbanized
These are composed of networks of interconnected facilities and services.
Transportation systems
It deals with the efficient transport of people and goods.
Transportation Engineering
It applies technological and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transport in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, economical, environmentally compatible movement of people and goods
Transport Engineering
A branch of transport engineering that deals with the planning, geometric design, traffic operation roads, street, and
Traffic Engineering
It is mostly government funded or at least government approved.
Transportation Infrastructures
It considers policy information processes, cost, financing, and projected performance of potential transportation systems, including Intermodal Transportation.
Transportation Planning
What are the three elements of transportation?
over which the vehicles travels (roads, airport runway, and railway track) is built and maintained
by civil engineers
It is where the passengers and cargo are serviced, are planned, constructed and maintained by civil engineers (bus stands, truck depots, railways stations, air terminals, docks and harbors)
It constructed roads, railways lines, docks, harbors, and airports, which facilitated the movement of goods and passengers.
It includes fatalities, injuries, and property damage due to accidents
Optimal allocation of resources in moving people and goods; access, provision of enabling technologies and services to people that need to reach and use opportunities.
Travel in environments without causing unnecessary stress and strain due to noise or other factors.
Production of contaminants in the air, water, or soil that are at a higher levels than naturally found.
Environmental Pollution
Entails the efficient management and operation practices, design, and assessment of the cost effectiveness of transportation systems.
Transportation System Engineering
A function of land use.
This activity is crucial to the transport planning process, as the data form the basis for formulation plans.
Transportation Survey
It sometimes is considered as synonymous to transportation engineering but is usually defined as the narrower field of management of traffic flow.
Traffic Engineering
They se projected and monitored traffic patterns and volume to design automated or centrally controlled street signal to modulate traffic.
Traffic Engineers
For triggering of left-turn signal.
Weight Sensors
For freeway entry during rush hours.
Ramp-entry signals
These are installed along travel routes to ensure safe, orderly, and predictable traffic movement. They provide guidance and warning to the motorists.
Traffic Control Devices
It was developed to promote uniformly in traffic control devices.
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
It include right-of-way (stop and yield), speed, movement (directional), parking, pedestrian,
and other special signs. A specific code is assigned to each type of sign on the street plans for easy recognition.
Regulatory Signs
Alerts drivers to any potentially hazardous condition on or adjacent to the roadway provide a signal to reduce speed or drive safely.
Warning Signs
These are used to indicate intersections, traffic signals, changes in grade, entrances, and crossings.
Warning Signs
Indicate routes and direct travelers to cities, places of interest, parks, forests, and historical sites. Most guide signs vary in size and usually feature white messages on a green background
Guide Signs
For general motorist services are white messages on a blue background. These have a white symbol on a brown background.
Recreational and Cultural Signs
Usually black text on an orange background. These follow the basic standards of shaped and other details for all highways
Construction and Maintenance Signs
Provided on the road pavement (carriageway markings) or on object which are part of the road. These are painted with hot applied thermoplastics paints
Road Markings
It is a problem which has to be addressed by the traffic engineer
Needed for guiding roads users to see the carriageway and the immediate surroundings clearly.
Street Lighting
Emissions caused by the exhaust of vehicles contain major pollutants like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead compounds, smoke, and unburnt petrol.
Air Pollutions