Cells & Systems 2 Flashcards
What are the systems that we learn about
What is the function of the respiratory system?
The transfer of gasses in & out of the body
Exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
Part of the respiratory system
Also called the windpipe
Carries air in & out of the lungs
20mm diameter and divides into the right and left of the bronchus
Take up most of the chest cavity
2 lungs
Left is slightly smaller because it needs to make room for the heart
Protected by the cage and diaphragm
12mm across
Each tube branches into thousands of narrow bronchioles
Divide into millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli
Small air sacs at the end of bronchioles
Let oxygen diffuse into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuse out
Alveoli connects your respiratory and circulatory systems
Main muscle of respiration
Dome shaped sheet of muscle that separates chest from abdomen
- Diaphragm contracts and moves downward towards the abdomen
- The rib muscles pull the ribs up and out
- The volume of the chest cavity is increased because air pressure in reduced and it flows into the lungs
- The diaphragm relaxes and moves upward
- The chest wall muscles relax causing the chest cavity to contract
- Air pressure in the lungs increases so air flows out of the lungs through the mouth or nose
What is the function of the digestive system?
Breaks down the food, absorbs food particles for energy and nutrients and eliminates waste
What is the process of digesting food?
Food enters the mouth and is pushed down the esophagus into the stomach
Stomach muscles churn and break down the food with stomach acid and pass down broken down food to small intestines
Small intestines are covered with many finger like projections called villi
Small finger like projections that absorb nutrients
Packed with capillaries
Connect your digestive and circulatory systems
Located in the small intestines
Take nutrients into your bloodstream by diffusion
Located in the Villi
What do the liver pancreas and gall bladder do?
Produce, store and release substances that help break down food during digestion
Produces bile
Located in the liver
Helps the body absorb fat
Produces enzymes
Located in the Pancreas
Help digest:
Stores bile until needed
Large intestine
Absorbs water as the last step of digestion before feces are released
Acts as a temporary storage area for feces
As it stretches it tells you that you need to poo
Opening that controls the expulsion of feces
Diseases that affect the digestive system
Crohn’s disease: inflammatory bowel disease
Celiac disease: Inflammatory reaction to gluten
How do we keep our digestive system healthy?
Eat healthy (fruits & vegetables)
Balanced diet
Drink water
What is the function of the circulatory system?
Circulates blood
Transports food particles, dissolved gases, etc to the cells
Consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels
Organ that pumps blood through the body
Located behind the sternum on the left side
Size of your fist
4 pumping chambers
2 atria receive blood from the veins
2 ventricles pump blood vie the arteries
What are the 3 types of blood vessels
Carry blood away from the heart to the body
Carry blood back to the heart from the body
Small hairlike vessels that help carry blood to the cells
Connect the circulatory system to the respiratory and digestive system
Explain the process of circulation
- Blood travels out of the left ventricle to the aorta to all tissues and organs in the body and then back to the right atrium
- Once in the arteries blood flows to smaller arterioles and then to capillaries
- While in the capillaries the bloodstream delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and picks up waste material
- Blood travels back through the capillaries into venules and then to larger veins
- Oxygen-depleted blood is delivered to the right atrium and the blood exits to fill the right ventricle ready to be pumped to the pulmonary circulation for more oxygen
Diseases of the circulatory system
Heart attack: Heart doesn’t get enough blood
High blood pressure: Heart has to push the blood hard through the arteries
Stroke: Blood flow to brain blocked
How do you keep your circulatory system healthy?
Don’t smoke
Eat healthy (fruits & vegetables)
Limit alcohol
Reduce stress
Diseases that effect the respiratory system
Lung Cancer
How do you keep your respiratory system healthy?
Don’t smoke/vape
Avoid pollution
Avoid respiratory illnesses
What is the function of the urinary system?
Filters the blood and creates urine as a waste product
What is the other word for the urinary system?
Renal system
Renal artery takes blood to the kidneys where it’s filtered
Kidney removes the waste and extra water which become urine
A tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder
A hollow organ that stores urine
A tube that allows urine to pass out of the body
What are some diseases that affect the urinary system?
Kidney/Bladder infection
Kidney stones
Kidney failure
Urinary tract infection
How do you keep your urinary system healthy?
Keep private area clean
Drink cranberry juice if your infected
Drink lots of water
What is the function of the nervous system?
Transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body
What are the 2 nervous systems?
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
What structures does the Central Nervous System include?
Spinal cord
What structure does the Peripheral Nervous System include?
3lb organ in your head
Controls all functions of the body
Interprets information from the outside world
Spinal cord
Long thin tube of nervous tissue
Extends from the brain to the lower back (bum)
Protected by the bones of the vertebral column
Bundles of neurons that relay information using complex electrochemical messages
Has sensory neurons and motor neurons
Sensory neuron
Takes in information
For example
Put your hand on the stove the SN tells your brain my fingers are burning
Put ice on your leg SN tells your brain my leg is freezing
Motor neuron
Carry messages from the brain to the body
For example
Put your hand on the stove MN sends the message from your brain telling your hand move
Put ice on your leg MN sends the message from your brain telling your hand to pick up the ice off your leg
What are the parts of the neuron?
Cell body
Myelin sheath
Schwann cell
Node of Ranvier
Axon terminal
What are some diseases that affect your nervous system?
Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebral Palsy
Spinal cord injury (Paralysis)
How do you keep your nervous system healthy?
Wear a helmet when your biking, skiing, etc
Wear your seatbelt
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