Cells-Mutation Quiz Flashcards
Cells-Mutation Review Test Date: OCTOBER 3RD
Cell membrane
A thin covering that separates the inside of the cell from its external environment (controls the movement of materials, such as nutrients and wastes, into and out of the cell)
Cell wall
A rigid structure found only in plant cells that provides support and protection
A jelly-like substance that contains everything inside the cell membrane and outside the nucleus
Specialized parts in the cell that carry out specific functions to ensure a cell’s survival
Rod-shaped organelles that provide the cell with energy by changing sugar called glucose into usable energy (produce energy during a process called cellular respiration)
Organelles only found in plant cells that use light energy from the Sun, carbon dioxide and water to make sugar in a process called photosynthesis
Tiny, round, membrane-free organelles that make proteins (proteins are needed for cell growth, repair and reproduction)
Endoplasmic Reticulum
A network of membrane-covered channels that transport materials through the cytoplasm
Rough ER: has many ribosomes attached to it
Smooth ER: has no ribosomes attached to it and is where fats are made
Membrane covered sacs that form off the ends of the endoplasmic reticulum and transport new proteins to the Golgi body
The golgi apparatus
An organelle that sorts and packages proteins for transport. If proteins are being transported out of the cell, they are packaged into vesicles and carried to the cell membrane
A membrane-covered organelle that stores water, nutrients and waste
Plant cells have small vacuoles to store starch ad large vacuoles to store water
Animal cells have small vacuoles
The organelle that controls all activities in the cell
Nuclear membrane
Surrounds the nucleus and protects the contents of the nucleus
Nuclear pores
Openings in the nuclear membrane that control what materials enter and leave the nucleus
A membrane-free organelle found inside the nucleus that makes ribosomes
Prokaryotic cell
Prokaryotic organelles are not surrounded by a membrane (one-celled organisms such as bacteria are prokaryotic)
Eukaryotic cell
Eukaryotic organelles are surrounded by a membrane (plant and animal cells are eukaryotic)