Cells- ABS notes Flashcards
what constitutes a cell?
Definition of a cell- the basic unit from which living organisms are made, consisting of an aqueous solution of organic molecules enclosed by a membrane. All cells arise from existing cells, usually by a process of division.
Describes the cells ability to form tissues (3)
particular genes are switched on, triggered by signals from their immediate
environment (developmental biology), which cause production of mRNA, travels out of cells to manufacture
a particular protein. There are about 200 different types of cells in the body
These genes produce enzymes which induce the formation of specialised cytoskeleton, organelles, cell-cell contacts, secretion and absorption
The distribution of organelles within a cell is unsymmetrical, i.e. one end of the cell faces the lumen and the other the basal membrane, hence polarity is established
Definition of polarity
refers to a structure such as an actin filament or a fertilised egg that has an inherent asymmetry so that one end can be distinguished from the other.
Scales: Size of cells
10-20 micrometres in diameter
Volume of a cell is measured in…
Mass of a cell
1 nanogram.
Size of a virus
10 nanometres
A small protein:
40 nanometres
Size of molecules:
0.2 nanometres in diameter
Definition of organelles
separate, recognizable sub-cellular structures that perform specialized functions within the cell
Enclosed within two concentric membranes and
contains DNA organized into chromosomes.
large structure in the nucleus where ribosomal RNA is transcribed and ribosomal subunits are
Nuclear pores:
specialised protein complexes which carefully control and filter the molecules moving between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Note: adenoviruses have a an advantage as they can travel through/block nuclear pores.
membrane-enclosed organelle, about the size of a bacterium, that carries out oxidative
phosphorylation and produces most of the ATP in eukaryotic cells.
small, membrane-enclosed, spherical organelles in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell
Secretory granules:
membrane-enclosed organelle in which molecules destined for secretion are stored
prior to release. Visible as small solid object due to darkly staining contents.
Golgi Apparatus:
membrane-enclosed organelle in eukaryotic cells where the proteins and lipids made in the
endoplasmic reticulum are modified and sorted for transport to other sites around the cell
short cylindrical array of microtubules, usually found in pairs at the centre of a centrosome in
animal cells. Also found at the base of cilia and flagella (called basal bodies).
particle composed of ribosomal RNAs and ribosomal proteins that associate with mRNA and
catalyses the synthesis of protein (translation)
system of protein filaments in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell that gives the cell shape and
the capacity for directed movement. Its most abundant components are actin filaments, microtubules, and
intermediate filaments.
intracellular membrane-enclosed organelle containing digestive enzymes, typically those most
active at the acid pH found in these organelles.
artificially prepared vesicles made from the lipid bilayer.
Plasma membrane:
the membrane that surrounds a living cell.
hairlike extension on the surface of a cell with a core bundle of microtubules and capable of
performing repeated beating movements. Cilia, in large numbers, drive the movement of fluid over epithelial
sheets, as in the lungs.
Endoplasmic reticulum:
membrane-enclosed component in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, where lipids
and secreted and membrane-bound proteins are made
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum:
region of ER not associate with ribosomes, but involved in the synthesis of
Rough endoplasmic reticulum:
region of the ER associated with ribosomes and involved in the synthesis of
secreted and membrane-bound proteins.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum:
specialist form of SER found in smooth and striated muscle.
Define cytosol
Definition of cytosol- contents of the main compartment of the cytoplasm, excluding membrane-enclosed organelles
and cytoskeletal components.
Intracellular fluid
Site of many chemical reactions including the manufacture of proteins and Glycolysis
Constituents: soluble proteins, sugars, ions (K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, PO4 2-, Cl-), nucleotides (ATP, cAMP: cyclic
adenosine monophosphate, GTP: guanosine triphosphate), amino acids, mRNA, t-RNA, lipids and peptides
Define the basement membrane
Thin sheet of fibres that underties the epithelium
Selective barrier for macromolecules, type VI collagen network, laminas, type XV collagen
Type XV collagen- is manufactured within cell, then transported to form membrane. Provides strength
Define extracellular fluid
Definition of extracellular fluid: complex network of polysaccharides (e.g. glycosaminoglycans, cellulose) and proteins (e.g. collagen) secreted by cells.
A structural component of tissues that also influences their development and physiology
Ions (Na+, Cl-, PO4 2-, CO3 2-, Mg2+, Ca2+)
Soluble proteins, carbohydrates and sugars
Vitamins, amino acids, hormones, nucleotides (ATP), lipids, cholesterol
Lymph, plasma, saliva, urine, bile, sweat, milk etc
Similarities of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (8)
All have a cell membrane that separates the outside from the organised interior
contain DNA as the genetic material (exceptions e.g. RNA virus)
Contain several varieties of RNA molecules and proteins (mostly enzymes).
Are composed of the same basic chemicals: carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, minerals, fats and
Regulate the flow of nutrients and wastes that enter and leave the cell.
Reproduce and are the result of reproduction.
Require a supply of energy.
are affected and respond to the reactions that are occurring within them and many of the environmental
conditions around them; this information is continually processed to make metabolic decisions
Define a prokaryote
major category of living cells distinguished by the absence of a nucleus or other
membrane-bound organelles. Single-celled organisms comprising the kingdoms archaea and bacteria.
Define a eukaryote
living organism composed of one or more cells with a distinct nucleus and cytoplasm.
Include all forms of life except archaea, bacteria, and viruses.
Evolved from aggregates of prokaryotic cells that became interdependent and eventually fused to form a
single larger cell
Have a higher degree of organisation than prokaryotes, in that they contain many organelles or structures
separated from the other cytoplasm components by a membrane
Differences between pro and euk (5)
No organelles VS Membrane-bound organelles
No nucleus VS Nucleus
Have external whip-like flagella for locomotion
or hair-like pili for adhesion VS May have cilia or microvilli on surface of cell
Simpler, smaller, haploid VS Cytoskeleton
Cell walls contain PEPTIDO-GLYCAN VS No cell wall- only cell membrane
Define Cancer
disease caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division resulting in localised growths, or
tumours, which may spread throughout the body.
Mutations that can lead to cancer (10)
Switch on “divide” signals.
Switch off “don’t divide” signals.
Loss of correction mechanism on DNA copying
Loss of escape mechanism from cell division
Loss of limit on number of times a cell can divide
Loss of control keeping cell within tissue boundaries
Ability to evade body defence mechanisms
Ability to recruit blood vessels to growing tumour
Ability to migrate into blood stream of lymph vessels
Ability to establish tumours in the “wrong” tissue.
Note: Not all mutations cause cancer because most mistakes which occur during the copying of the genetic code
are removed/destroyed
List the main types of infectious agents causing disease and name their distinguishing features (5)
Viruses: obligate intracellular parasite consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed in a protein coat that make use of a host cell to undergo intracellular replication, and then divide and bud out of the host cell.
Viruses show host specifity but have the ability to infect almost all other life forms including bacteria.
Bacteria: prokaryotes that replicate by binary fission, and contain a chromosome of DNA but no nucleus. The DNA is condensed into nucleoids.
Bacteria are widely distributed in nature, but some are pathogenic
Fungi: single-celled eukaryotes that exist as yeasts or filaments or both which cause cutaneous, mucosal and systemic mycoses. Yeasts bud or divide, whereas filaments (hyphae) have cross walls or septa. Systemic
infections with fungi often affect immuno-comprimised people.
Protozoa: unicellular, free-living, non-photosynthetic, motile eukaryotic organisms which include intestinal,
blood and tissue parasites which acquired by ingestion or through a vector. They replicate in the host by
binary fission or by formation of trophosoites inside a cell, and often have complex life cycles involving two
Helminth parasites: Multicellular eukaryotes of the Kingdom of Metazoa, which are visible to the naked eye and have life cycles outside of the human host.
Examples of Viruses
SARS, Influenza and HIV (use of reverse transcriptase breaks DNA makes RNA makes protein rule)
Examples of Bacteria
Neisseria meningitis, mycobacterium tuberculosis, shigellosis (shigella spp. Is an invasive pathogenresponsible
for 50% of deaths from diarrhoeal disease) and septicaemia (characterised by rapid progression,
septic shock, severe inflammatory response)
examples of Protozoa
malaria (plasmodium spp.- vector is female anophelese mosquito which targets red blood cells)
and leishmania spp. (vector is sand fly- targets white blood cells)
Properties of the membrane
Selectively permeable
Impermeable to macromolecules, biochemical intermediates.
Permeable to water molecules and a few other small, uncharged molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide,
nutrients, waste products.
Transfer of information (signal transduction).
Lipid bilayers are permeable to… (2)
Some small uncharged molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide
Simple Diffusion
the movement of molecules and small particles across the semi-permeable membrane driven by a
difference in the concentration of molecules on either side.
the net movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane driven by a difference in
concentration of solute on either side. The membrane must be permeable to water but not to the solute molecules
Active Transport
the movement of a molecule across a membrane against its concentration gradient driven by ATP
hydrolysis or another form of metabolic energy
Facilitated diffusion
the movement of hydrophilic (charged) molecules down their concentration gradient through
protein pores that hide the ionic charges from the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer. Proteins offer a water-filled channel. The channel can be ‘gated’- specific, i.e. a particular molecule may modify its
structure, opening the channel allowing the substance to pass through the membrane e.g. drugs
Lipid bilayers are impermeable to… (4)
Cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+) but some do leak through, down the concetration gradient.
Anions (Cl-, HCO3-)
Small hydrophilic molecules like glucose
Macromolecules like proteins and RNA
Definition of a membrane protein
a protein associated with a lipid bilayer; can either be integral (transmembrane, monolayer-associated, or lipid-linked) or peripheral.
Definition of a membrane transport protein
any protein embedded in a membrane that serves as a carrier of ions or small molecules from one side to the other
Functions of the Proteins (7)
Transport (Sodium-Glucose transport)
Transmission of signals
Anchors to link intracellular actin filaments to extracellular matrix proteins (anchors the membrane to
macromolecules on either side)
Receptors for hormones and growth factors- detect chemical signals in the cell’s environment, and relay
them to the cells interior
Cell recognition and adhesion
Electron carriers in cellular respiration and photosynthesis in mitochondria and chloroplasts
Define Membrane potential
voltage difference across a membrane due to a slight excess of positive charge on one side and
of negative ions on the other. A typical membrane potential for an animal cell plasma membrane is -80mV (inside negative), measured relative to the surrounding fluid.
Describe the Sodium-Potassium Pump
Electrostatic force due to the charge separation across the membrane tends to move ions in a direction determined by its particular charge
The high concentration of fixed anions inside cells (the protiens) and their accompanying cations (e.g. chloride ions) means that water is drawn into the
cells by the resulting osmotic gradient.
The high concentration of Na+ in the extracellular space means that Na+ will tend to move down its concentration gradient into the cell.
The sodium-potassium pump (Na+ -K + ATPase) maintains the osmotic balance and stabilises the cell volume by transporting 2K+ into the cell in exchange for 3Na+. This is electrogenic (unequal transfer of charge) therefore requires energy.
It also provides a diffusion gradient for chloride ions. The chloride ions tend to move inward down their concentration gradient, but excess negative charge inside the cell (from nondiffusible proteins, lipids, and the unequal distribution of positive charge of K+ and Na+) tend to push Cl- ions back out of the cell.
The sodium-potassium pump consists of two polypeptide chains, alpha and beta, with 1000 and 300 amino acids respectively. The alpha-chain spans the membrane 10 times, forming a hydrophilic pore.
The K+ Na+ exchange is mediated by a series of conformational transitions of the pump molecule, which is driven by phosphorylation of an aspartyl residue followed by hydrolysis of aspartylphosphate.
There are two consequences: Ionic gradients are created: less Na+ and more K+ inside the cell than outside. A charge gradient is also created, which results in the inside of the cell being at a more negative potential than the outside.
The potassium channel consists of four subunits and is highly specific for K+, as it mimics the environment
potassium is usually surrounded by.
The high concentration of potassium inside the cell means there is a tendency to move out of the cell, but
this would accentuate the voltage difference across the cell (making it more negative), therefore an
equilibrium is reached when the rate of inward movement = rate of outward movement.
This equilibrium does not fully compensate for the electrogenic sodium-potassium pump, therefore the
membrane potential of a nerve or muscle cell at rest is about -80mV.
The Nernst equation describes how the distribution of ions leads to a membrane potential
Action potentials occur in elongated cells (nerves, muscle) when the membrane potential is disrupted by a
brief pulse of current which cause a massive influx of Na+ in the cell (depolarisation), which must then use
metabolic energy to reinstate the membrane potential.
Na+ channels become inactivated locally, preventing further Na+
Voltage-gated K+ channels open, to restore the resting membrane potential.
The process propagates down the nerve/muscle
Describe Glucose transport
Glucose is membrane-impermeant.
Glucose moves down the concentration gradient into the cell
Glucose binds to a specific glucose transporter which functions by a flip-flop mechanism
The transport is ‘facilitated’.
Several different proteins. Some are insulin-sensitive
Describe amino acids transport
Uses coupled transporters- symporters and antiporters
Move in the opposite direction to Na+ using ATP hydrolysis
Explain how external chemical signals can be sensed at the interior of a cell.
exocytosis, e.g. hormones.
lipid-soluble molecules that cross membranes.
trans-membrane receptors.
What happens at the nueromuscular junction
- When a nerve impulse is received at the neuromuscular junction, the synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic
membrane and release acetylcholine - The acetylcholine diffuses to the post-synaptic membrane, altering its permeability to sodium ions,
depolarising the membrane - The acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase to ensure that the muscle is not over-stimulated
- The resulting choline and ethanoic acid diffuse back into the neurone, where they are recombined to form
acetylcholine using energy
Describe muscle stimulation
An action potential reaches many neuromuscular junctions simultaneously, causing calcium ion channels to
open and calcium ions to move into the synaptic knob
Calcium ions cause the synaptic vesicles to fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane and release their
Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds with receptors on the post-synaptic membrane,
causing it to depolarise.
Muscle contraction (8)
The action potential travels deep into the fibre through T-tubules that branch throughout the sarcoplasm
The action potential opens the calcium ion channels on the sarcoplasmic reticulum, flooding into the
sarcoplasm down a diffusion gradient
The calcium ions cause Troponin molecules to change shape, which causes the Tropomyosin molecules to pull away from the actin binding sites
The ADP molecule attached to the myosin heads bind to the actin filament and form a cross-bridge
The myosin heads then change their angle, pulling the actin filament along and releasing a molecule of ADP
An ATP molecule attaches to each myosin head, causing it to become detached
The calcium ions then activate the enzyme ATPase, which hydrolyses ATP to ADP, providing the energy
needed for the myosin head to return to its original position
The myosin head with ADP then re-attaches itself further along the actin filament
List the main functions of the blood (8)
Connective tissue
Transport (connects every part of body)
Heat distribution
Haemostasis (process whereby bleeding stops)
Support (e.g. external genitalia - VIAGRA)
MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS (constant internal environment)
Blood volume (5l male; 3.5l female
List the major components of blood
Erythrocytes- red blood cells
Leukocytes- white blood cells
Platelets- derived from megakaryocytes in bone marrow; involved in coagulation and clot formation
Plasma- fluid component of blood which acts as the carrier for all blood cells
Describe the essential features of the erythrocyte and list its major functions (6)
Primary function: respiratory transport. Binds with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin for transport to cells.
Binds with carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate from carbonic anhydrase for removal from cells.
Biconcave disc maximises surface area for diffusion of oxygen
No nuclei or organelles
Packed with haemoglobin
7.5micrometres and flexible, important as able to penetrate through to smallest vessels
Molecules on the surface confer blood group
Describe regulation of erythrocytes (6)
Erythrocytes are regulated by the kidney in a negative feedback loop.
- Low oxygen
- kidney (+testosterone- hence higher levels of erythrocytes in men) produces erythropoietin (hormone)
- bone marrow stem cells differentiate to form erythrocytes (erythropoiesis) blood
- haemoglobin increases
- blood oxygen increases
- negative feedback- back to the beginning
Describe the life Cycle of erythrocytes
Produced in bone marrow from precursors which produce haemoglobin then lose organelles
Immature erythrocytes contain ribosomes: reticulocytes.
High levels of circulating reticulocytes are useful in diagnostics e.g. anaemia, chemotherapy
MCD Cells Alexandra Burke-Smith
Removed through reticulo-endothelial system (phagocytic macrophages in spleen)
Lifespan = 120 days (short, no nuclei; 1% or 250 billion cells per day)
Dependent on dietary iron (meat, egg yolk, nuts), iron deficiency causes anaemia
Explain the importance, basic structure and role of haemoglobin
Globular protein consitisting of 4 subunits (polypeptide chains),
each with a prosthetic haem group.
Haem contains a ferrous iron (FE2+), each of which binds with one
molecule of oxygen
Hb = deoxyghaemoglobin. Hb02 = oxyhaemoglobin
100ml blood: 15.8g (male)
13.7g (female)
Due to the compact conformational shape of globin molecules,
haemoglobin has a low affinity for oxygen
However, oxygen binding breaks the conformation and opens up the structure, allowing the second oxygen
molecule to bind more easily
This means in a high oxygen environment (e.g. the lungs), cooperative binding can take place which allows
more oxygen to be carried
Different form in foetus with higher O2 affinity, as foetus must obtain oxygen from mother’s blood
Carbon monoxide combines with haem at a 200X greater affinity to form carboxyhaemoglobin, reducing
oxygen binding, which can deprive cells of oxygen resulting in cell death.
Key red cell Parameters
Concentrations of haemoglobin (g/dl)- men: 13.5-16.5, women: 11.5-14.5
Red cell count- men 5.4x1012/l, women 4.8x1012/l
Haematocrit (packed cell volume PCV): men 0.40-0.54/1.00, women 0.35-0.47/1.00
PCV is the proportion of blood which are erythrocytes
Normal MCV (mean cell volume) 82-99fl
Normal MCH (mean cell haemoglobin) 27-33pg
Normal MCHC (mean cell haemoglobin concentration) 32-34 g/dl
Definition of anaemia:
low blood haemoglobin concentration
Define the 3 types of anaemia
Microcytic (small MCV): Failure of haemoglobin synthesis (and hence smaller erythrocytes) caused by an
iron deficiency as a result of gradual blood loss e.g. menstruation, GIT lesions or cancers and parasitic
Normocytic: red blood cell production is normal, but is a result of acute blood loss
Macrocytic (large MCV): During erythropoeisis, DNA synthesis and cell division fail and reduced division of
progenitor cells so fewer but larger erythrocytes. Folic acid and vitamin B12 are essential for division. Caused
by pregnancy (lack of folic acid), autoimmune disease, pernicious anaemia (destroys uptake of B12 in gut),
and in vegetarians and vegans- all caused by lack of vitamin B12.
Describe polymorphic granulocytes
Segmented nucleus, full of cytoplasmic granules. First on scene - adhere to blood
vessels in infected area and migrate into tissue. Engulf, kill and digest microorganisms. Main types are
neutrophils (phagocytic), eosinophils (allergic + asthma responses), basophils (histamine-producing). Release
inflammatory mediators: toxic oxygen products, digestive enzymes, vasodilators, chemotaxins.
Describe B- Lymphocytes
Mature in bone marrow- involved in Humoral (antibody-mediated) immunity. Foreign
antigen → RNA synthesis → immunoglobulin (antibody) production. Immunoglobulins: IgM; IgG; IgA; IgD;
IgE. Antibody-antigen reactions: assist phagocytosis by precipitation; agglutination (clumping) or coating in
antibody (opsonisation) or prevent attachment of micro-organism to tissues (neutralisation). In the primary
immune response, it is the first exposure, so antibodies appear after latent period, peak then fall. The
Secondary response will be greater, quicker, longer response due to memory cells (long lived Blymphocytes).
Passive immunity: inject immunoglobulins (vaccine) or cross placenta (colostrum in some
T- Lymphocytes:
Derived in bone marrow, but migrate to thymus where they aquire surface antigenic
molecules and become immunologically competent. Involved in cellular immunity: Circulate → foreign
antigen → blast transformation (rapid cloning) → with receptors for antigen. Activated T-lymphocytes
release chemotaxins (attract macrophages); lymphotoxin (kills cells); interferon (kills viruses).
Subgroups: Cytotoxic T-cells, helper T-cells, Supressor T-cells (no info required)
Large, single horse-shoe nucleus. Appear after granulocytes and in tissue become macrophages
(“big eaters”), engulfing micro-organisms, tissue debris and dead polymorphs. Secrete inflammatory
mediators and stimulate angiogenesis (vessel growth = repair). Ingest and store antigens, present modifies
antigen to lymphocytes
Explain simply the major functions of platelets
Derived from megakaryocytes 2 - 3 µm diameter (small) Normal platelet count 25 x 104 /ml Life span 8 - 10 days Granules Many organelles, no nucleus
Describe Haemostasis
Express surface receptors for platelet activators in the presence of collagen in vessels or thrombin from
coagulation cascade
They adhere to exposed collagen (in wound or atherosclerosis), and release granules which promotes
platelet aggregation
Coagulation cascade- Produce thromboxane A2 from cycloxygenase enzyme, which is involved in
clot/thrombus formation
Aspirin inhibits cycloxygenase and is therefore anti-clotting. The vascular endothelium also produces
prostacyclin and nitric oxide which inhibit platelet activation.
. List the major functions of plasma (5)
Fluid component of blood, acts as transport carrier
“Organic and inorganic substances dissolved in water”
Water and proteins
Plasma proteins: exert osmotic pressure to maintain blood volume. Albumins + globulins are carrier
molecules e.g. hormones, bile salts, water insoluble drugs. Fibrinogen is present for clotting. If the balance of
proteins is changed, can lead to blood pressure and kidney function problems
Serum: plasma with proteins removed due to clotting
Key components of plasma
Nutrients -Glucose, Lipids, Amino acids Hormones- Thyroxine, Cortisol, Erythropoietin Proteins- Clotting factors, Albumin, Globulins Inorganic ions -Na, K, Ca, PO4, HCO3 Products of metabolism- Urea, Lactic acid