Cells Flashcards
Who discovered cells?
Robert Hooke
Who observed the first live cells and called them animalcules?
Antonie van Leeuwehoek
Who proposed the idea that all plants are made of cells?
Who proposed the idea that all animals are made of cells?
What is cell theory?
all organisms are made of cells
cells are the basic units of life
all cells come from other cells
the minimum distance two points can be apart and still be distinguished as separate
transmission electron microscope
electrons are transmitted through object viewed
scanning electron microscope
electrons beamed on surface of object bounce off and are collected to make image
surface area to volume ratio
as a cell’s size increases, its volume increases much more rapidly than its surface area
Bacteria Cell Walls
Composed of Peptidoglycan- carbohydrate mixture cross-linked with proteins
Gram + bacteria-think, single layer cell wall. Stains purple.
Gram - bacteria-multilayered cell wall. Stains red
How well antibiotics work depends on what cell wall is made of
long tail-like structure used for movement
transport proteins
move substances across membrane
receptor proteins
receive signals from the environment and cause changes in cell
marker proteins
identify a cell asa to what type it is
Nuclear Envelope
around nucelus, 2 phospholipid bilayers (selectively permeable)
continuous with endoplasmic reticulum
scattered with nuclear pores- holes that act as channels letting certain substances in and out of the nucleus
actin filaments
long, made of protein called actin. responsible for movement
made of protein called tubulin
intermediate filaments
made of protein called vimentin. most sturdy part of cytoskeleton. once formed, they don’t break
theory that today’s organelles evolved by a symbiosis where one species of prokaryote was engulfed by another prokaryote and lived inside it. this was the precursor to the first eukaryotic cell
transmembrane proteins
float in or on membrane
support fibers
provide passageway for substances and info cross membrane
exterior protein and glycolipids
selections of membrane get built in ER, are sent to Golgi body which adds chains of sugars to membrane proteins or lipids= “Sugar coating”
transport proteins
allow only certain substances through
carry out reactions on the surface of the membrane
cell-surface receptors
detect chemical messages
cell-surface identification markers
identify cells to other cells
cell adhesion proteins
used to glue cells together
attachment proteins
attach proteins which interact with other cells to the cytoskeleton
ion channel
protein channels that span the membrane and allow ions to move across in either direction
a membrane protein which transports ions, sugars, amino acids, etc.
facilitated diffusion
when carriers help in the transport
What are the three characteristics of facilitated diffusion?
specific, passive, and saturates
can only pick up a certain kind