Cell division Flashcards
What is mitosis?
The process where cells divide to made two identical daughter cells
What is a haploid cell?
A cell with half the amount of chromosones
What is a diploid cell?
A cell with the full amount of chromosones
What are spindle fibres?
Things that pull apart the chromosones
What is a centromere?
The center of a chromosones
What is a chromatid?
Half a chromosone
What are the steps of mitosis?
- The chromosones double
- The chromosones line up in the center of the cell
- Spindle fibres pull apart the chromosones into chromatids
- Chromatids move to their side of the cell
- The two cells split apart
What are the steps of meiosis?
- The chromosones double to 92
- Chromosones line up in the center of the cell
- Spindle fibres pull apart the chromosones
- The two cells split up
- Spindle fibres pull apart the chromosones
- The cells split to form four different daughter cells
How many stages of divisions are there in mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis: 1
Meiosis: 2
How many chromosones are there in each cell at the end in mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis: 46
Meiosis: 23
How many cells are produced in mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis: 2
Meiosis: 4
Where does mitosis and meiosis take place?
Mitosis: Everywhere except the ovaries and testes
Meiosis: The ovaries and testes
How genetically are the daughter cells in mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis: Identical
Meiosis: Different
How do bacteria reproduce?
Binary fission
What are the steps of binary fission?
- Circular DNA and plasmid(s) replicate
- The cell expands and the DNA move to the poles (end) of the cell
- The cytoplasm starts to divide and the new cells walls begin to form
- The cytoplasm divides and each daughter cell is genetically identical
What are the disadvantages of binary fission?
The cells are the same and can be wiped out by something such as antibiotics
What is sexual reproduction?
Reproduction where there is two parents
What is asexual reproduction?
Reproduction where there is one parent
What is bacterial conjugation?
The process where a bacteria resistant to anti-biotics share their resistant genes with other bacteria.