cell division 2 Flashcards
what is meristem cloning?
meristem cloning is where the plant is cloned so it will avoid problems or extinction , in a positive way
what is the advantages about meristem cloning
the advantages:
1) it avoids extinction of plants
2) increases the number of rare plants
3) increases the number of disease resistant plants
4) produces identical plants so you can research
5) you can pick and choose what u want to take for meristem cloning( your favourite plant and get more of them)
issues for embryonic stem cells( cells that can differentiate into anything)
1) there may be religious views on embryonic stem cells therapy so the people avoid using it
2) development of embryonic stem cells therapies are slow ( takes to much time), expensive and difficult
3) the patient is affected severely ( the immune system rejects and is at risk) since if the donor stem cell’s don’t have the same or similar DNA such as from a family member or from a person who has similar DNA as you , you will be at risk an the body will reject. Plus immune response is triggered.