CECE Practice Exam (2022) Flashcards
“State laws can govern title usage and practice, however they do not govern”
APA is to psychologist as ACA is to
“According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (also know as the Buckkley Amendment) _____
A & B (a parent can see his or her daughters middle school record AND an 18-year old college student can view his or her own educational record)
“ A client asks you for classical psychoanalysis yet you have no training whatsoever in this area. If you agree to analyze the client, you are___”
Unethical as this is misrepresentation
Insurance payments are also called
Third-party payments
The major trend that impacted the counseling movement in the 1980s___
Included an emphasis of professionalism, certification, and licensing
The term contextualism implies that___
Behaviors must be assessed in context of the culture in which the behavior occurs
A wealth of research demonstrates that
In most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race and a similar cultural background
Uses one’s One cultural yardstick to measure all others
Most countries have an official language, a stated viewpoint, and a central government. This is reflected mainly by
National culture
Social exchange theory postulates that
A relationship will endure if the rewards are greater than the cost
“ according to cognitive dissonance theory by Leon Festinger, a man who buys a $20,000 platinum watch would most likely___”
Read test reports after the purchase to justify his behavior
Sex role stereotyping would imply that
Choices A and B (a counselor would only consider a traditional feminine career for his female client. AND a male counselor would write a female clients emotional status differently than he would a male clients)
“Ju Wan moved to America from China in 1993. Immediately after moving to America, Ju changed his name to John in order to better fit in with the dominant culture. This action represents ____ type of acculturation”
The only psycho analyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire lifespan was
Erik Erikson
“In Kohlberg‘s first or preconventional level, the individual‘s mortal behavior is guided by___”
John Bowlby‘s name is most closely associated with
Bonding and attachment
Freud postulates psychosexual stages
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
In the famous experiment by Harlow, frighten monkeys raised to be a cloth and wire mothers____
Ran over and clung to the cloth and wire surrogate mothers
A child masters conversation in the Piagetian stage known as
Concrete operations
Theorist who believe that development merely consist of quanatative changes are referred as
The zone of proximal development
What is pioneered by Lev Vygotsky
This person is considered the father of career counseling
Recent trends in career counseling include___
all of the above (dual-wage earning household‘s, technology, adults changing careers later in life)
Super’s theory includes
The life-career rainbow
The self-directed search (SDS)
All of the above (based on the work of Holland, self administered, self-scored and self-interpreted)
Linda Gottfredson is most known for her theory of circumscription, compromise, and self creation. According to this theory, closing the gap between the ideal and the reality of the world of work is an example of___
Facilitating career interventions that honored the unique cultural lens of the client is considered in an ____ perspective
When career counselors speak of the OOH, they are referring to___
Occupational outlook handbook
When a client projects feelings towards the therapist that he or she originally had toward a significant other, it is called
Adler emphasized that people wish to belong. This is known as
Social connectedness
Existential therapy has been criticized for
Being too vague regarding techniques and procedures
Rogers felt that _______for client changed to occur
Three conditions are necessary
Negative Reinforcement often requires the introduction of an aversive (negative) stimulus. It _____
Is not the same as punishment
William Glasser is to reality therapy as Albert Ellis is to
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
Reflecting skills communicate
All of the above (a desire to explore deeper feelings, nonjudgmental understanding, a condensed version of thought and feeling)
Diagnosis is useful because it
B & C (simplifies and organizes information gathered and assist in the selection of interventions)
Group therapy initial flourished in the United States due to
Shortage of individual therapist during WWII
Group content refers to material discussed in a group setting. Group process refers to ____.
The manner in which discussions and transactions occur
A counselor suggest that her client join an assertiveness training group. Most assertiveness training groups are
Behavioristic and highly structured
A group with more than one leader is said to utilize coleaders. Coleadership is desirable because_____
All of the above (the group can go on even if one leader is absent, two leaders can focus on group dynamics better than one leader, leaders can process their feelings between sessions)
In a healthy group, members
Are flexible and can change roles 
A major advantage of group work versus individual work is that
Members learn how to give help in addition to receiving it in group sessions generally cost less (i.e, they are more economical) than individual counseling sessions
Which of these factor is not delineated by Yalom as a curative factor
Manifest dream content in insight into the unconscious mind
Most experts would agree that an effective adult counseling group has _____ members
5 or 6-8
The best intelligence test for kindergartners would be the ____
The mean on the Wechsler and Binet is ___ And the standard deviation is ___
In a projective test, the client is shown___
Neutral stimuli
____ Would be an informal methods of appraisal
A reliability coefficient of 1.00 indicates
A perfect score which has no error
Construct validity refers to the extent that a test measures an abstract trait or psychological notion. An example would be
Ego strengths
The MMPI-2 is
A standardized personality test
One problem that interest inventories is that the person often tries to answer the question in a socially acceptable manner. Psychometricians call this response style phenomenon___
Social desirability (the right way to fill in society)
The most critical factors in test selection are ____
Validity and reliability
Which method of reliability testing would be useful with an essay test but not with the test of algebra problems?
Experimental is to cause and effect as correlation is to ___
Degree of relationship
P=.05 really means that
There’s only a 5% chance that the difference between the control and the experimental group is due to chance factors
Formative evaluation research
Is concerned with the planning, development, and implementation of a program
A “scale” would be best defined as
A number of items that are combined to form a composite score on a variable
A skewed data distribution is