CCP 107 - Transfusion Medicine Flashcards
List the components of blood
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
- Leukocytes (white blood cells)
- Thrombocytes (platelets)
- Plasma
Describe the makeup, origin and function of “Erythrocytes”
- Red Blood Cells
- Developed in the bone marrow
- 4 hemoglobin/erythrocyte
- Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide CO2 transport
Describe the function and type of “Leukocytes”
- White Blood Cells
“Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas”
- Neutrophils - 60% - respond to tissue damage, phagocytize bacteria, live 4 days
- Lymphocytes - 30% - immune response, T cells and B cells
- Monocytes - 6% - become macrophages, clean up tissue damage
- Eosinophils - 3% - responds to histamine/allergic reactions and parasites
- Basophils - 1% - become mast cells, produce histamine and heparin
Describe function of “Thrombocytes”
- Platelets
- A factor in clot formation
- Activated by collagen, thromboxane A2, ADP or thrombin
- Will become “sticky” and attach to other platelets to grow the plug - stabilized by fibrin
Describe the makeup and function of “Plasma”
- Plasma
- Liquid Component of blood
- Carries clotting factors
- 92-95% water, 5-8% proteins (globulin/albumin/fibrinogen), clotting factors, glucose, electrolytes, hormones, CO@ and O2
Describe the functions of blood
- Ph regulator
- Temperature Regulator
- Supplies O2
- Supplies Nutrients - Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids
- Removal of waste - CO2, Urea Lactic Acid
- Immunological Functions - Carries WBC, contains antibodies
- Coagulation
- Messenger - Transport of hormones, singling tissue damage
Explain the ABO/Rh system for red blood cells
Blood typing system (ABO):
- A system that defines the antigen (flag/marker that defines the cell) on a cell body and its compatibility with other blood types
- Cells with the same antigens can be transfused with like antigen cells
Explain the ABO/Rh system for plasma
Plasma typing system (ABO):
- A system that defines the antibody (Ig immunoglobulin) within the plasma
- Will activate when it senses “non-self” antigens causing agglutination
- No Rh factor designation
Define RhD
- Rh blood group, D antigen
- Originally discovered in Rhesus monkeys
- Can create transfusion reactions with mother/child during pregnancy
Discuss HLA in the setting of blood administration
- Proteins present on White Blood Cells (WBC)
- When blood cells are transfused without adequate leukoreduction into someone who is immunocompromised the donor cells recognize the recipients cells as “non-self” and attack the recipient cells - Graft vs Host Disease
- leads to end organ failure, DIC, death
List available Blood Products
- Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
- Platelets
- Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
- Cryoprecipitate
- Albumin
- Fractionated Blood Products
Describe Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
Packed Red Blood Cells
- Average volume 300ml
- Hematocrit Hct 50-65%
- Residual plasma <20 %
- Stored 1 - 6*c
- Shelf life of 42 days
- Can be outside of refrigeration for 24 hours
- Must be transfused within 4 hours of being hung
- Citrate added for anti-coagulation
Describe Platelets
Describe Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
Describe Cryoprecipitate
Describe Albumin
Describe Fractionated Blood Products
What are the Indications for Blood Transfusion
- Shock
- Coagulopathies
- Anemia/Hemorrhage: Hemoglobin >70 g/L -or- hemoglobin >90 g/L in ACS
One unit of RBC will increase hemoglobin by?
10 g/L
What is the ideal transfusion ratio?
1:1:1 (PRBC/Plasma/Platelets)
Describe Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions (AHTR) and associated symptoms
Describe Febrile Non-Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions (FNHTR)
Describe Allergic reactions in Blood transfusion
Draw the Red Blood cell ABO/RH system chart
Insert Chart
Draw the Plasma ABO/RH system chart
Insert Chart
Which RED BLOOD CELL is considered the “Universal Donor”?
ABO/Rh O negative
Which RED BLOOD CELL group is considered the “Universal Recipient”?
ABO/Rh AB positive
Which PLASMA group is considered the “Universal Donor”?
ABO type AB
Which PLASMA group is considered the “Universal Recipient”?
ABO type O
What does antibodies do to red blood cells when they aren’t compatible?
Agglutination - Red cells get stuck together and are flagged for lysing
At what rate do you start the transfusion of Blood Products?
50 mL/hr for 15 minutes
What is the maximum time frame or number of blood units that a blood administration set can be used for?
- 4 hours
- 4 units of blood products
- Cannot mix blood units (ie RBC and Plasma cannot use the same administration set)
If giving Type O blood which demographics would receive O negative and which would receive O positive?
- O negative: Females of child bearing age
- O positive: Males and females older than child bearing age
According to new research, how many units of type A plasma can you provide to an unmatched individual and not receive negative side effects?
4-6 units
What blood product would you provide for a patient who was anemic?
- Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
What blood product would you provide to replace clotting factors?
What blood product would you provide to assist with clot formation?
Are Red Blood Cells compatible with fluids other than normal saline?
What sized filter must be used with Red Blood cells?
170 - 260 microns
What does “Apheresis” mean?
- Single Donor
What is the recommended prophylaxis to prevent Citrate toxicity?
1g Calcium Chloride every 4-6 units of PRBC
Who are Irradiated PRBC’s used for and what changes will occur to the blood product?
- Patients at risk of developing Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease (TA-GvHD)
- Higher Potassium (K+) and free Hemoglobin (Hgb)