CBR Warfare Flashcards
What does CBR stand for?
Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare
What is chemical warfare intended to do?
Kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate personnel
What are some types of chemical agents?
Nerve, Blister, Blood, and Choking
What do nerve agents do?
Disrupt nerve impulses
What are some examples of Nerve agents?
Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX
What do blister agents do?
Cause inflammation, blisters and destruction of tissue.
May result in blindness or death
What are some examples of blister agents?
Distilled mustard, Lewisite, Phosgene Oxime, Levinstein Mustard
What do blood agents do?
Attack the enzymes carrying oxygen in the blood stream.
What are some examples of blood agents?
Hydrogen Cyanide, Cyanogen Chloride, and Arsine
What do choking agents do?
Initial symptoms: Tears, dry throat, nausea, vomiting and headache.
Lungs can become filled with fluid, causing shallow breathing and the feeling of drowning.
What are some examples of choking agents?
Phosgene and Diphosgene
What is used to detect the presence of liquid chemical agents?
M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper
What color does M9 paper turn if chemical agents are present?
A red or reddish color
What is used as first aid if there is a nerve agent casualty?
Atropine/2-PAM-Chloride Auto Injector
What are the basic divisions of biological agents?
Pathogens and Toxins
What are some examples of Pathogens?
Bacteria, rickettsia, viruses, fungi, protozoa and prions
How are toxins categorized?
By organisms that produce them (source)
and by physiological affects in humans
What does IPE stand for?
Individual protective equipment
What does IPE for chemical/biological agent environments consist of?
MCU-2P protective mask, Advanced chemical protective garment (ACPG,) Gloves, overboots and laces, and skin decontamination kit.
What are the types of nuclear explosions?
High Altitude air burst Air burst Surface burst Shallow underwater burst Deep underwater burst
What is a shipboard shielding station?
A ready or deep shelter station
What is used to determine the total amount of gamma radiation to which the wearer is exposed in the 0-600 roentgens?
A DT-60 dosimeter
How many MOPP levels are there?
5 (0-4)
What does MOPP stand for?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture
What does MOPP Level 0 consist of?
Issue IPE. 5 minute accessibility.
What does MOPP Level 1 consist of?
Ashore - Don protective equipment and M9 tape
Afloat - IPE readily accessible
What does MOPP Level 2 consist of?
Ashore - Don protective over-boots
Afloat - Mask carried
What does MOPP Level 3 consist of?
Ashore - Fill canteens, activate decon stations.
Afloat - GQ, install filters, don over-boots
What does MOPP Level 4 consist of?
Ashore - Secure IPE (Gloves with liners, untie bow in retention cord, loop between legs and secure to web belt)
Afloat - Don IPE, set circle william, countermeasure wash down