CBR Flashcards
3 Types of Antipersonnel Agents
Chemical agent detector tape
Liquid nerve/blister agent
Turns red/reddish color
Effects of Nuclear Explosions
Air blast
Thermal Radiation
Nuclear Radiation
Electromagnetic Pulse Phenomenon (EMP)
Nerve Agent Poisoning
Pupils will be very small
Chest feeling tight
Extra mucus
Muscular twithching
Mask carried
Over garment worn
Boots worn
Gloves w/in arms reach
3 Types of CBR Surveys
Point - conducted to ensure time sensitive operations can be conducted without unwarned encounters with chemical agent clouds/transfer hazards resulting from munitions event
Area - to provide tailored detection capability in tactical situations where it is impractical to employ remote point samplers
Reconnaissance - conducted to reduce time required to perform Nuclear Biological Chemical Recon System’s primary mission to increase confidence that area is uncontaminated
Factors for Decon Site
Decon type
Road network
Availability of water
Mask carried
Over garment worn
Boots w/in arms reach
Gloves w/in arms reach
Chemical Contamination
Triangle yellow on both sides
Word “GAS” in red, 2in block letters
Name of agent, date and time of detection
Chemical Warfare
chemical agents are used to produce death,
Proper Steps of Donning JSLIST
Mask w/in 9 seconds
Gloves w/in 8 minutes
CBR Monitoring Teams
Enable commander to decide protective poisture of unit.
If monitoring reveals no hazard, then unit may lower MOPP level.
MOPP Ready
Mask carried
Over garment ready w/in 2 hours
Boots ready w/n 2 hours
Gloves ready w/in 2 hours
Protective Mask
M50 mask is designed to protect face, eyes & Respiratory tract of user from tactical concentrations of chemical & biological agents, toxins & radioactive fallout particles
Biological Warfare
living organisms to cause disease/death
M-256 Kit
Primary piece of equipment used to monitor for Chemical agents like:
Mustard (H& D)
Phosgene Oxime (CX)
Hydrogen Cyanide
Cyanogen Chloride
Nerve Agents
Biological Contamination
Triangle blue on both sides
BIO in red 2in
Name of agent & date & time of detection
CBR Recon Teams
Find boundary of contamination & routes around or through contaminated area.
Recon Team Determines:
are there chemical agents present?
if agent is present, what type?
where and when agent first detected?
Is there clean route through area?
Buddy Aid for Nerve Agent Exposure
Mask casualty
Position casualty on side
Find out if member injected the 1st set so no more than 3 sets are injected.
If he shows symptoms of nerve agent poisoning then give him a set.
If symptoms are severe then give him 2nd and 3rd set of injectors.
Give CANA w/ 3rd set of injectors to prevent convulsions.
Bend needles to form hook and attach to his clothes.
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
Atropine - produces relief & blocks effects of nerve agent
2PAM Chloride - blocks & reverse bonding of nerve agent to nerve
CANA (Diazepam) - block effects of nerve agent on central nervous system
Major effect of surface, shallow underground/underwater burst
MOPP Gear Exchange Site
At clean site 50 meters upwind of vehicle wash down
Self-aid for Nerve Agent Exposure
Put on mask asap
Remove atropine from NAAK
Position green end of injector against injection site
Apply pressure to injector until it pushes needle into thigh
Hold injector in place for at least 10 seconds
Repeat same step with black end of 2PAM Cl
Bend needle into a hook attach to clothing
If you know what’s going on then you will not need 2nd injections
If symptoms continues, do the 2nd set of injections
Super Tropical Bleach (STB)
reacts violently with liquid mustard agent
Mask worn
Over garment worn
Boots worn
Gloves worn
Classifications of Nuclear Explosions
Airburst - below 100,000ft & fireball does not touch surface
High-altitude burst - above 100,000 ft
Surface Burst - on/above surface of earth & fireball touches surface
Underwater burst- detonation is below surface of water
Underground burst - detonation is below surface of ground
Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
Not exposed:
6 launderings
45 days of wear
120 calendar days
24 hours
Chemical Attack
Units should plan to conduct vehicle wash down & MOPP gear exhange between 1-6 hours of becoming contaminated.
Reduces degradation & improves unit’s ability to perform its mission
Biological Agents
most effective means on large scale is through Aerosols which generally are invisible and ordorless
Inspection & Maintenance of JSLIST
Before using JSLIST verify that factory vacuum seal is intact.
Check for Petroleum, Oil/Lubricant (POL)
Check for water
Check for rips/tears
Check for working drawstrings & fasteners
Check gloves & boots for rips & tears
Electromagnetic Pulse Phenomenon (EMP)
radiation ionizes atmosphere around point of detonation
3 Levels of Decontamination
Immediate - minimize casualties, save lives & stop the spread contamination. Consist of Skin and Equipment Decon.
Operational - reduce contact hazard & limit spread of contamination.
Thorough - reduce the need for personnel protective clothing, DTD and DED.
indicates gamma radiation dose in range of 0 to 600R
Equipment Decon Kit
used to wipe down mask, gloves, hood, and other gears
Chemical Agents
Enter the body by victim’s breathing/swallowing/through skin
4 Main Areas in Thorough Decon Site
Pre-decon staging area - 250 to 500 meters od DED/DTD site
DED - Primary wash, interior decon, rinse, check; To reduce contamination to negligible risk levels.
DTD - gear, mask, boots & hood decon. To remove contaminated MOPP gear from personnel and equipment to negligible risk levels.
Post-decon assembly area -
Chemical Minefield
Triangle red on both sides
“GAS MINES” in yellow 1in block letters w/ horizontal yellow 1inch yellow 1 inch stripe underneath lettering.
Chemical agent in mines & date of emplacement
Post CBR Actions
Decon support unit’s staff must coordinate movement of contaminated unit to decon site.
After link - up is achived & all support assets are in position, actual decon operation can commence
Chemical Protective Over-suit (CPO)
protect wearer from threat levels of chemical Agents in liquid form & from associated vaporical
Nuclear Radiation
Alpha, beta, gamma rays & neutrons
CBR Survey Teams
To find out areas contaminated by Chemical agents using M8 and M9 detection paper.
Thermal Radiation
Radiant energy emitted by fireball
Air blast
Shockwave produced in air by explosion
Atropine/2PAM Chloride
injectors contain medication to treat initial symptoms of nerve agent poisoing
Radiological Contamination
Triangle white on both sides
Word ATOM in black 2in block letters
Dose rate, date & time of reading & date & time of burst
Pre-attack CBR Actions
Higher units review HHQ decon plan to find out if plan will support unit’s mission.
Unit leader will conduct recon of designated decon sites.
if site cannot support decon operations, unit leader will find another site close to original site.
Actions During CBR Attack
Unit leaders must asses situation & report to HQ.
Sitrep should include type of contamination, current location and assesment of his ability to perform current mission while contaminated & when he expects unit to become combat ineffective.
Contaminated unit should perform decon to stop the spreading of contamination.
If needed, unit leader must request decon support.
Mask worn
Over garment worn
Boots worn
Gloves w/in arms reach
Skin Decon kit
used to decon exposed skin
Chemical agent detector paper
Liquid nerve/blister agent
G nerve - yellow
V nerve - green
H blister - red
M0PP 0