CBM Flashcards
Which vaccines are given at 2 months (8 weeks)?
- 6 in 1
- Rotavirus
- MenB
Which vaccines are given at 3 months (12 weeks)?
- 6 in 2
2. Rotavirus
Which vaccines are given at 4 months (16 weeks)?
- 6 in 1
- MenB
Which vaccines are given at 1 year?
- MenB
- MenC/Hib
Which vaccines are given at 3 years 4 months?
2. 4 in 1
Which vaccines can be given to children in addition to the ones given aged 0- 3?
- Flu nasal spray annually 2-9yrs
- HPV 2 doses aged 12-13yrs
- Men ACWY aged 14yrs
- BCG, Chickenpox, flu if high risk
What are the causes of developmental delay?
Cerebral palsy Muscular dystrophy Autism Down Syndrome Fragile X Fetal Alcohol syndrome
What is DDH?
Developmental dysplasia of hop
Ball and socket joint doesn’t form properly- Femoral head not held in place properly
When do the fontanelles close?
Posterior after 2 months
Anterior 7-18 months
What is APGAR?
Assessment of newborns A- Appearance (colour) P- Pulse G- Grimace (reflexes) A- Activity (muscle tone) R- Respiration
7/10 or above is good health
What may cause a low APGAR score?
Complicated labour
What are the causes of low birth weight?
Tobacco use
Pre eclampsia
What are the causes of high birth weight?
Maternal diabetes Maternal obesity Maternal weight gain during pregnancy Overdue pregnancy Older maternal age
What are the causes of developmental regression?
What are the 6 primitive reflexes?
- Moro reflex
- Rooting/ sucking reflex
- Stepping reflex
- Palmar grasp reflex
- Babinski/ plantar reflex
What is failure to thrive?
Insufficient weight gain
Fall of two or more centiles
Should be concerned if do not return to birth weight after 3 weeks
Which foods should be avoided during weaning?
Sugary foods Salty foods Soft cheese (Listeria) Shellfish Fish with high levels of mercury Honey
When should a mother be advised not to breastfeed?
HIV and not controlled
Some medications unsuitable: Amiodarone, Antithyroid drugs, Benzodiazepines, Radioactive Iodine, Lithium, Statins, Sulfonamide
How do you know a baby is ready for weaning?
Can sit upright and hold head
Coordination of hand eyes and mouth
Hand in mouth alot
Not gaining weight with just milk
What problems may a mother encounter when breastfeeding?
Ductal blockage Mastitis Abscess Failure to latch on Milk under or overproduction Thrush Sore/ cracked nipples
What type of deliveries may make it harder to breastfeed?
Placental abruption
When is a baby’s growth checked?
Birth 10-14 days- health visitor 6-8 week check 8 week vaccines 9 months- health visitor 2 years- health visitor
What are some common vaccination side effects?
Headache Mild fever Redness Swelling Pain Malaise Loss of apetitie
What are contraindications for vaccination?
Current fever
Poorly controlled epilepsy
History of febrile convulsions
What complication can children born to women with Zika virus get?
Which vaccines are live attenuated?
Liver flu
Which vaccines are inactivated?
Diphtheria Pertussis Hep B Meningococcus PCV
Which vaccines are toxoids?
Which vaccines are recombinant?
Who is involved with safeguarding?
MASH in Birmingham
Multi agency safeguarding hub-receives referrals
Social care
How can safe guarding be improved?
Data sharing agreements
Centralised system
How long is statutory maternity leave?
Up to 52 weeks
How much maternity pay is given?
6 weeks- 90% normal weekly wage
33 weeks- 90% normal wage or £145 (lower amount)
13 weeks- unpaid
What government benefits do you know of?
Paid antinatal care leave Free prescriptions Statutory maternity leave and pay Or maternity allowance Universal credit/ tax credit Income support/ ESA Sure start maternity grant
How long must your employer keep your job open for ?
1 year
Which milestones should be reached at 3 months?
Motor- hand to mouth, lift head, grabs objects
Hearing- squealing
Vision- follows faces and objects
Social- social smile
Which milestones should be reached at 7 months?
Motor- sits, rolls, moves objects from one hand to the other
Hearing- babbles, responds to own voice and no
Vision- full colour and distance vision
Social- Peek a boo
Which milestones should be reached at 12 months?
Motor- pincer grip, crawls, stands
Hearing- says mama/dada, tries to copy words
Social- understands object roles, finger food, separation anxiety