Causes Of Ww1 Flashcards
Franz Ferdinand death. How he dided - 28th June 1914
- Him and his wife arrived at Saravejo train station early. They were driven to town hall to meet Mayor. Large crowds gathered so Ferdinand has to go slowly to wave as a royal couple.
- Six assasins were waiting at Cumurja bridge. One of them threw a bomb that missed under the car, injuring several. The car sped up and Ferdinad was terrified.
- Ferdinand called of visit but went to check on injured. As they passed a cafe, the driver was told he’d taken a wrong. He turned round.
- The assasins had split up and one Gavrilo Princip was outside cafe and killed both of the couple.
What does MAIN stand for?
What is militarism?
When countires thought it was important to have huge armies.
What is alliances.
Triple entente and alliances were made to prevent war but just increased tension.
What is imperialsim?
EU nations creating empires and coming into conflict.
What is nationalism?
All countries looking out for their own countries and interests.
Who was in triple alliance?
Germany, Austria, Italy
Who was in Triple Entente?
France, Britain, Russia
What happened after Franz Ferdinand assassination?
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. European countries found themselves dragged into war with alliances, like a chain.
Why were balances of power in Europe unstable?
Growung power of Germany
Germany threats
.Post 1900, built big navy
.1901, Kaiser(emperor) demanded overseas empire. (Frightened Brits and France)
. Wanted to build route through Balklans to Baghdad. (Russia alarmed as protectors of Balklans.)
. Military defence plan, Schiefflen Plan.
What was the Schiefflen plan?
Attacking and defeating France fast and turning to Russia.
Who was Douglas Haig?
A Field Marshal who achieved many victories but was an awful leader as he didn’t hold back in stupid attacks, losing many of his men thorugh his stubborness.
Did Russia mobilise quickly?
Yes. Alarmed Russia.
3rd August - What happened?
Schiefflen plan executed.