Causes of the 1905 revolution Flashcards
What were the 5 main reasons for long term discontent?
Alienated intelligentsia Revolutionaries National Minorities Peasants Workers
Who were the alienated intelligentsia?
Middle class liberals wanted to participate in the government and wanted some form of elected national assembly. Students protested against repressive government controls.
Who were the two types of Revolutionaries?
Socialist Revolutionaries and
Social Democrats.
What did the Socialist Revolutionaries want?
A peasant revolution to create socialism based around peasant communes.
What did the Social Democrats want?
The urban working classes to stage revolution to create a socialism state, and then communism.
Who were the national minorities?
E.g. Finns, Poles, Jews.
What wee the two demands of the national minorities?
They wanted more autonomy and independence and an end to the policy of Russification.
What were the main grievances of the peasants?
Poverty, need for more land and high taxes with redemption payments on land.
Suffered periodic famines.
Increasing peasant population was putting more pressure on land.
What were the main grievances of the workers?
Long hours, low pay and terrible living and working conditions.
Wanted more political power.
What were the two elements of government regime?
Tsarist regime
Witt’e economic policy
What were the three main issues with Nicholas’ government?
No moves towards a constitutional government.
Denied basic freedoms such as free press and freedom to form political parties.
No concessions to nationalities and any protests were repressed.
What happened under Witte’s industrialisation policy?
Urban workers and peasants were squeezed very hard by indirect taxes and low wages.
What two events happened after 1900 and what did it do?
An economic slump after 1900 led to high unemployment and social tensions in towns.
Poor harvests in 1900 and 1902 led to starvation and violence in the countryside.
What was the catalyst of the 1905 revolution?
Outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War.
When was the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War?
February 1904.
What events happened during the Russo-Japanese war?
Defeats on land and at sea shocked the Russian public.
January 1905, Russia lost Port Arthur, an ice-free port in Manchuria which the Japanese had marked out for themselves for economic expansion.
What did the war cause?
Huge food and fuel shortages, high prices and unemployment.
What did the Russo-Japanese war mean?
It caused a huge wave of discontent as the Tsar and his government were perceived as incompetent.
What was the spark for revolution? When was it?
Bloody Sunday on 9th January 1905.
What happened at Bloody Sunday?
Father Gapon led a strike of over 100,000 workers. As the crowd approached the Winter Palace, they were charged by cavalry and the troops opened fire.
What were the protestors at Bloody Sunday doing?
They had a petition calling fro an 8 hour working day for all workers, minimum wages and more dignified treatment.
What was the mood of the Bloody Sunday protestors?
It was not an attack on the Tsar, nor aggressive- it was simply the people pleading to their “father” to help them.
How many people were injured at Bloody Sunday?
Between 300-500 people were seriously wounded or killed.
What did the 1905 revolution mean?
The Tsar was now at war with his own people
Led to strikes, peasant uprisings, petitions and riots throughout 1905.