Catullus 86 Flashcards
repetition of formosa is important to the structure and meaning of the poem.
est multis, mihi
Quintia is attractive) to many, I (grant
juxtaposes himself with others to ditance himself from ‘the mob’
candida, longa, recta est
she is fair, tall, good posture-
tells us what constituted as beautiful to the Romans. Backed up by Lucretius, Ovid and Horace.
nulla venustas
nulla in tam magno est corpore mica salis
no charm,
no grain of salt in so large a body
emphasising lack of ‘venustas’ through juxtaposing big and small.
omnibus una omnis she alone (has stolen) all the charms from everyone
polyptoton of omnes in juxtaposition. Expressing that she has ALL the charms
emphatic placement at end of poem emphasises importance of this trait to make a woman attractive.
she has stolen men’s penises i.e other women’s partners?? Far less complimentary…..