Catullus 69 Flashcards
Noli admirari quare tibi femina nulla, Rufe, velit tenerum supposuisse femur, non si illam rarae labefactes munere vestis aut perluciduli deliciis lapidis.
Do not wonder, Rufus, why no woman wants to have placed a tender thigh under you, not if you should loosen that one with a gift or rare clothes or the delight of a clear stone.
laedit te quaedam mala fabula, qua tibi fertur valle sub alarum trux habitare caper. hunc metuunt omnes;
A certain evil story harms you, by which it is said that a harsh goat dwells under the valley of your armpits. All fear this.
neque mirum: nam mala valde est bestia, nec quicum bella puella cubet. quare aut crudelem nasorum interfice pestem, aut admirari desine cur fugiant.
It is not strange, for a very bad beast with which a pretty girl would not lie down. Therefore, either kill the cruel pest of noses, or cease to wonder why they flee.