Catullus 57 Flashcards
adulter –erī m.
an illicit lover, adulterer
alter altera alterum
a second, one or the other (of two)
ambō ambae ambō
pl. adj. & pron., both
cinaedus –a –um
a catamite or passive homosexual, one who submits to anal intercourse; an effeminate male
conveniō convenīre convēnī conventus
meet together; agree; (impersonal) there is an agreement, there is harmony
Formiānus –a um
of Formiae (the home town of Mamurra)
gemellus –a –um
twin (adj. or subst.)
imprimō –primere –pressī –pressum
press on, imprint
improbus –a –um
morally unsound, wicked, flagrant, shameless; wanton
lecticulus –ī m.
bed, couch
macula –ae f.
stain, blemish
magis or mage
morbosus –a –um
unhealthy, disease-ridden; morbidly lustful
Māmurra –ae m.
a notorius henchman of Caesar, from Formiae
mīrus –a –um
extraordinary, remarkable