Catholic views on the Big Bang Flashcards
What are 3 details about Catholics and the Big Bang?
-The Pope says that the Big Bang needed God as the starting point - for Catholics, the Big Bang could simply be how God chose to create the universe.
-God must have created the matter and caused the conditions to allow the explosion to happen, so the universe was still created out of nothing by God.
-The Big Bang explosion happened at the perfect time and with the right amount of matter to create our complex universe - this shows that it must have been planned by an all-powerful God.
What is a piece of evidence about this belief?
“Let there be light” - Genesis
How does this belief change a Catholic’s life?
Catholic Christians will read Genesis to learn more about what God is like and what their role in creation is, rather than reading it as exactly what happened. They will try to support scientific progress to learn more about the world God has made.