Category K Flashcards
What is the scientific name for the 3 most common types of bot flies?
Gasterophilus intestinalis, Gasterophilus nasanalis, Gasterophilus hemorrhoidalis
Name 3 symptoms of an ascarid infestation
unthriftiness, pot belly, rough coat, lack of growth, cough, lack of response to antibiotics
Name 4 general, non-manmade, environmental factors that will reduce parasites
climate, seasons of the year, humidity, rainfall, age of horse, concentration of horses on land
What term describes the throwing of the front feet outward as they are picked up and is most commonly in toe narrow or pigeon toed horses?
What term describes the physical appearance of the horse, due to the arrangement of muscle, bone and body tissue?
What term describes the withers, back, loin and croup?
top line
Which gait used while trail riding is the most tiring on the horse?
canter or lope
What is a soft, slow trot without as much speed, suspension, or bounce as a regular trot and is usually performed when riding western?
What is the slow, relaxed gait this is slower than the gallop but faster than the jog when riding western?
What is a defect that hurts the horse’s appearance but doesn’t hurt his working ability such as a scar?
A horse that toes in on the front legs will usually have what type of action defect?
wings out or paddles
Name the gait that has a speed of about 8-10 mph and 3 beats with a suspension
canter or lope
A horse that stands crooked will move how?
moves crooked
Which gait is known as the foundation gait?
A horse with too much angle at the hock with the feet set too far under the body when looked at from the side has what conformation problem?
sickle hocked
A horse with too little angle to the hock causing the hind legs to appear too straight when looking at them from the side has what problem?
post legged
What is the term that describes eyes that are too small and look like a hog’s eyes?
pig eyed
What term describes a horse whose front toes inward?
pigeon toed
What term describes a horse whose front toes turn outward?
splay footed
what term describes a problem seen when a horse limbs on the sore foot when moving or favors the sore foot when standing?
What action defect is caused by the striking of the forefoot with the toe of the hindfoot commonly heard as a clicking noise when the horse does a fast trot?
How long is the usual time limit for giving a set of oral reasons in a judging class?
2 minutes
How many horses are usually in each class at a 4-H judging contest?
What term describes the faster form of the gallop?
Which gait is sometimes called the foundation gait because they are often asked to switch into many other gaits from this gait?
How many beats does the walk have?
what is a rapid 2 beat diagonal gait that is similar to the western jog only faster?
What are you looking for while riding your horse at a canter or lope when you look over the horse’s shoulder to see which front leg is reaching the farthest forward?
checking for correct leads
what is the term for the slow smooth ground covering trot done in the western pleasure class?
How many beat does the canter have?
How many beat does the trot have?
What is the medium fast collected canter done in western pleasure class?
How many beats done the gallop have?
What is a horse under 14.2 hands usually called?
What is the upper curved part of the neck called?
Name the 4 parts of the horse that are included in the topline
withers, back, loin (coupling), croup
what condition has too much angle in the hock joint?
sickle hocks
what is the term for the physical appearance of an animal due to the arrangement of muscle, bone and often body tissues?
What term describes a horse whose front toes point outward?
In reference to the way of going, winging occurs in horses with what conformation defect?
base wide or toed out feet
What is the term used to indicate that a horse may have a structural problem or deviation which may have a limited affect on horse’s ability to perform?
serviceably sound
What term describes heavy contact with the ground instead of the desirable light, springy strides?
What term describes when the front foot and opposite hind foot take off and stop at the same time with the legs moving in diagonal pairs?
diagonal gait
What term describes when the front and hind feet on the same side of the horse start and stop at the same time?
lateral gait
A base narrow horse is predisposed to landing on the outside of its hoof walls, thus may have a tendency to develop which two conditions?
ringbone, sidebone and heel brusing
Base wide horses are predisposed to what?
ringbone and navicular disease
What is the ideal slope of the horses shoulder?
45-50 degrees
What term refers to a horse that stands closer at the ground than at the origin of the legs in the chest?
base narrow
What term is used to indicate that a horse may have a structural problem or deviation which may have only a limited affect on the horse’s ability to perform?
serviceably sound
What area of the hoof carries more weight on a horse that is base wide?
inside of the hoof
What term describes when the horses front feet are wider at the ground than at their origin at the chest?
base wide
What 2 factors will a judge use to evaluate the barrel of a horse?
spring of the ribs and depth of heartgirth
Which sex of horse would have a more prominent jaw and more heavily muscled body?
In what three areas are muscling most likely to be developed in heavily
muscled horses?
forearm ,gaskin, rear quarters
In a balanced horse, the legs and heart girth are approximately the same length. How does straight shoulders change this?
Straight shoulders cause the legs to be longer than the heart girth
What term refers to a pastern that has too much slope?
coon footed
Ideally where should the horse’s eyes be positioned when viewed from the front?
about 1/3 of the distance from the poll to its muzzle
Balance is the single most important characteristic in equine selection because it forms the basics for movement, length of stride and ultimately performance. Balanced is determined by what physical structure?
skeletal structure
What would be the ideal ratio of the top to bottom lines of the horses’s neck?
2 to 1 with top longer
What is another name for overshot muzzle?
parrot mouth
Name 3 temperament characteristics associated with the size and appearance of the eyes
Large quiet soft eyes indicate quiet docile disposition, Pig eyes indicate lazy and difficult to train. Excessive white around eye indicates nervous and flighty
Describe the 4 basic steps used in a systematic approach to horse judging
tracking the horse, profile view from the side and at a distance, close inspection from the front and rear
Regardless of the breed, the hind quarters should appear to be what shape when viewed from the side?
What term describes a horse whose forelimb is to far under the body?
Camped under
What is the bony enlargement surrounding the bones of the pastern?
What is it called when a horse toes in behind & and are ‘out at the hocks’?
What is it called when the hocks are to far apart, are generally predisposed to being base narrow & can toe in on the rear hooves?
Bow legged
Name the specific part of the horse’s back or top line that must be welled muscled, short & strong, in order to to transmit the forward power generated in the hind quarters.
Sickle hocks predispose a horse to what condition?
What is the term for a horse’s knees that are behind vertical when viewed by the side?
Calf kneed
what term refers to when the horse’s leg stands under his hip from the hocks down due to excessive angulation in the hock when viewed from the side?
Sickle hocked
What is the term for a horse’s knees that are in front of vertical when viewed from the side?
Buck kneed
What the speed for the running walk gate of the Tennessee Walking horse?
8-10 miles per hour
Horses that are bowed in at the hocks & cannon bones instead of being parallel are called what?
Cow hocked
Which structural deviation of the knees when viewed from the side is extremely serious & many horses with this condition will not stay sound.
Calf kneed (back at the knee)
What condition has the entire knee set to the inside of a strait line from the chest to the toe?
Knock kneed or closed kneed
Which area of the hoof carries more weight if a horse has knocked knees?
Inside of the hoof
Bowlegged horses will cause increased weight to be carried where on the hoof wall?
To the outside
What term describes the use of painful methods & devices to enhance the horse’s gait in the show ring?
When selecting a horse, what is the most important confirmation characteristics of any breed?